Inflation Commitment from the Minister of Finance to Foreign Investors

According to the details cited from the meeting of Treasury and Finance Minister Nureddin Nebati in London, the Minister made commitments to foreign investors on inflation and exchange rates. Some highlights from the meeting were also shared.

Nureddin Nebati, Minister of Treasury and Finance, was recently in London. various banks and investors with senior executives got together. Some of the topics discussed during the meetings, which lasted for 2 days in total, were conveyed by various sources. Some of the information shared by the agencies was quite remarkable.

Anadolu Agency included the statements of Minister Nabati in the details it shared about the meeting. Nebati said that at the meeting, the managers asked questions about the stages of the roadmap brought by the new economic model in Turkey, and informed them about it. they did it very hard expressed.

Commitment on exchange rate and inflation

In addition, Anadolu Agency reported that Minister Nabati made an important statement about the exchange rate at the meeting. Accordingly, Nebati told nearly 100 senior executives he was with.Inflation in Turkey is temporary with the stability in exchange rates. What is important for us is: stable exchange rates.” he declared.

In the details shared by Reuters on the same subject, keeping Nabati’s exchange rate constant, reduce inflation to single digits and committed to keeping the country free from dollarization. reported. In addition, Nabati encouraged the gold under the pillow to be converted into lira at the meeting. a new plan might be announced over the weekend has been reported.

According to the details reported by Bloomberg, Nabati told the participants that inflation in Turkey is “for reasons that foreigners cannot understand culturally“He said he had risen. These statements by Bloomberg, Department of Treasury and Finance announced that he denied and the Ministry stated that “it may be due to the misunderstanding of the participants”.


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So what did the managers say?

nureddin plant

Speaking to Reuters, senior executives said that during the period when the inflation approached 50 percent, Minister Nabati said that in order to keep the lira stable this year, the country on how much of the foreign exchange reserves might be needed. avoiding questions stated.

Strategist Timothy Ash, who was present at the meeting, said Nabati described inflation as a major challenge and that admitting that it’s the biggest problem stated. Ash, in his post on Twitter, said “Nabati did well in London. He came very prepared. He was good at marketing and telling the story of Turkey.” he declared.

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