In-Game Usernames Arrive on Netflix

Unable to achieve the desired success in the game feature, Netflix is ​​preparing to pave the way for using player names. From now on, we will be able to use our player name instead of our profile name.

Netflix, in digital publishing It also wants to reinforce its popularity through games. Although there are many steps taken by the company for this purpose, it is difficult to say that it was able to achieve the desired success. Still, the streaming platform doesn’t stop working on this feature.

The platform is now available with the players’ own player names. on Netflix trying to pave the way for them to take part. The information that Netflix has started to test the player names feature for mobile games appears on the internet. In our tests, we confirmed the accuracy of this information (a feature that came to me as well).

Now we can find our friends more easily

If you have ever subscribed to any game platform, the platform will a custom username you know what you want. The same will now be true for Netflix. This will open the way for you to be known in a special way.

In this way, when you are going to play a game, it will be easier to invite your friends to the game. So we won’t have to use our profile names on the platform. Most people already profile name Since he chose his own name as the owner, the chaos that will be experienced will be prevented.

Your in-game username on the first screen you specify “Your in-game username is a unique, public name that is displayed while playing games on Netflix. Your profile icon and name (username) are NOT visible to others.

You can change your in-game username at any time.” statements are included.

This feature is mainly for users who play the games offered by the Netflix platform. The in-game username is coming to the game part of the platform soon. It may be a sign that you will invest much more. The platform, which only hosts mobile games yet, will (in its own way) in the near future. It may try to rival Steam and Epic Games.

If the feature is open to you, it is used as follows:

  • In our profile, we click on the place where it says create in-game username.
  • On the screen that opens, we set our username.
  • If the name we have chosen is appropriate, a green tick will appear, otherwise a red cross will appear. We find a name where we can get a green tick.
  • We press the save button.


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Netflix has been adding games since November last year. The platform’s goal is to add 50 different games by the end of the year.

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