Images of Citizens Who Couldn’t Find Sugar in the Market Became the Agenda

There has been a big problem about sunflower oil prices in the past days, and many posts have been made on the subject on social media. Today, a similar situation has occurred in sugar prices and sugar stocks.

After the VAT reduction on many market products in the past months, the prices on the shelves became the agenda in the social media and many users rebelled against the prices on the labels. After these developments, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan called on chain markets to reflect the VAT discount on their products on the shelves, and after the announcement, some discounts were made in the prices.

Again, different theories were circulating on social media about sunflower oil, which is one of the products most affected by the price hikes. It was said that sunflower oil could not be imported due to the ongoing tension between Russia and Ukraine and this situation caused an increase in oil prices, but the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Vahit Kirişçi announced that these statements were not true. Shortly after the minister’s statement, we were faced with a worrying situation, such as Russia’s imposing quota on sunflower oil exports. Today again the claim that sugar prices have increased and there is a shortage of stock became the focus of social media.

Sugar prices caused reactions from social media users

After a video shared on social media, the claim that sugar stocks decreased and prices increased because of this came to the fore. In a customer’s market When he could not find sugar, a discussion broke out between the market employee and the customer. Market employee to customer “No stock” The video in which he explained, came to the minds of social media users. “Are we running out of sugar stocks?” brought the question. It is not known whether there is a problem with sugar stocks in our country, but many people reacted to the increase in sugar sales with their shares.


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It may not always be right to make many inferences from a video. It is possible to see that there are stock shortages in some products for different reasons in the markets. The only thing we can do in this regard is to stay calmer when we cannot see the product we want to buy on the shelves. Of course, we are aware that none of us want to hear the news of a new hike or stock shortage, and we can’t be very patient about these hikes. These situations as it puts the market workers in a difficult situation, it also causes the consumers to get angry. and can cause overreaction. Regardless, it should not be forgotten that this and similar situations affect all of us, including employees. Now let’s take a look at the video in question and the reactions that followed.

Here is the video that got a reaction on social media:

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