I forgot my Hotmail password, what can I do? step by step explanation

formerly known as Windows Live Hotmailis an e-mail provider offered by Microsoft to internet users. Many social media apps and websites require a Hotmail account to open an account. In this regard, almost everyone Hotmail account has.

Hard passwords, which are preferred to ensure the security of the Hotmail account, are forgotten if not used frequently. If you tooI forgot my Hotmail password, what can I do?” If so, here’s what you need to do.

It’s now easier to access Outlook while browsing Chrome!

Technology company Microsoft has now added the Outlook extension to Chrome. The extension in question was recently released on the Chrome Web Store.

“I forgot my Hotmail password, what should I do?”

  • First from your browser Outlook enter the page.
  • Then enter your email address or phone number.
https://i1.wp.com/shiftdelete.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Hotmail-sifremi-unuttum-ne-yapresim-name-name-anlatim-1.png?resize=1170%2C658&ssl= one
  • You will then be asked for your password. Under the “Password” sectionForgot password?Select ”.
https://i2.wp.com/shiftdelete.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Hotmail-sifremi-unuttum-ne-yapresim-name-name-anlatim-2-1.png?resize=1170% 2C658&ssl=1
  • If you have a phone number record in your account, you can choose the option to send an SMS to your phone number. But if not, select the “I don’t have any of these” option at the bottom.
https://i2.wp.com/shiftdelete.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Hotmail-sifremi-unuttum-ne-yapılım-name-name-anlatim-3.png?resize=1170%2C658&ssl= one
  • Then you can use a different email account You need to enter.
https://i0.wp.com/shiftdelete.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Hotmail-sifremi-unuttum-ne-yapılım-name-name-anlatim-4.png?resize=1170%2C658&ssl= one
  • There is a code in the e-mail sent to the account you will enter. Enter that code on the page that appears and set a new password.
https://i1.wp.com/shiftdelete.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Hotmail-sifremi-unuttum-ne-yapılım-name-name-anlatim-5.png?resize=1170%2C658&ssl= one

In addition to these processes, it is possible to reset your password thanks to the secret question. For this, one of the security settings of your account secret question and you need to specify the answer. In this way, you can both reset your password faster and prevent others from entering your account.

What is Hotmail?

If you are a computer user, thanks to the Microsoft Outlook feature Hotmail program It provides great convenience to you. Thanks to Hotmail, which you can use as a personal information manager, you can send an e-mail to the people you want to reach.

Electronic mail In addition to posting, a Hotmail account is required to open a social media account today. For this reason, it is possible to say that every social media user has a Hotmail account.

What can be done to remember the Hotmail password?

To remember your Hotmail password, change your password to “password manager“Keep it in. In this way, you enter your e-mail address and your password will appear as a list. In addition, it is possible to make your work easier by adding security information. For this process, you can choose a phone number, recovery email or security question options.

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