How Will the Giant Update in Ethereum Affect the Price?

The Ethereum (ETH) community is eagerly awaiting the Dencun update that will be released in the next few weeks.

In the Dencun update expected to be held on March 13, including EIP-4844 There are several improvement packages. EIP-4844, Ethereum network proto-danksharding will bring you together with.

Proto-danksharding to Ethereum blocks additional data blobs that will remain temporarily active adding and thus making the network much more scalable is aimed to be made.

Thanks to these, transactions directly to Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Additional data that does not interact with may be included.

Thanks to the recording of transaction data via blobs, users can can pay much lower transaction fees and the average transaction fee It could fall below $0.01 is considered.

EIP-4844 also Number of transactions per second up to 100 thousand can remove it.

Dencun update’s overall impact on Ethereum price In a positive way is expected to affect.

Ethereum users have recently Transfer $1.3 billion worth of ETH to personal/private wallets They pulled.

In addition, an increase was observed in short-term Ethereum call options. Some of these investors believe that the price It will rise to 4 thousand dollars by the end of March. predicts.

Total value of call options in the market $2.5 billion When the value of put options is approximately $1 billion at the level.

How Will the Giant Update in Ethereum Affect the Price? The article titled was prepared by Selim Kuşçu and published on

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