How to query Metaverse land price?

Digital the world continues to develop and become popular. Features of meta After the steps he has taken in the last period, metaverse We are beginning to hear more and more concepts like This technology, which is defined as the future itself, continues to come up with interesting news. As in many areas, questions such as Metaverse land price inquiries are also a subject that people seek answers to.

In this video, we have shown how to query the Metaverse land price and how to do transactions such as Metaverse land purchase.

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How to query Metaverse land price?

If you wish, let’s leave you alone with our video without further ado. Enjoy watching.

OVR website:

Decentraland website:

metaverseOVR, one of the most popular platforms selling land in Turkey, announced how much land it has sold so far. While more than 20 thousand parcels of land were sold from Turkey, the city that attracted the most attention was Istanbul. The land sold in the city left behind 11 thousand parcels. When we looked at the land where ShiftDelete.Net office is located, we saw that it was sold with a big surprise.

Metaverse land price inquiry
SDN office land

Just like in real life, the value of the parcel in Metaverse varies according to the region. For example, while the average parcel price is 135 TL in Bağcılar, this amount exceeds 500 Turkish Liras in districts such as Beşiktaş.

Similarly, there is no room left on the European side of the Bosphorus. On the Anatolian side, Kadıköy and Üsküdar were the regions that attracted the most attention. metaverse What you need to do to buy land on the land is quite simple. OVRYou have to go to the website of ‘s site and select the region and pay with OVR coin or virtual crypto wallet there.

Where did you look for the Metaverse land price query? Do you have land? Do not forget to specify in the comments.

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