How to Cancel Exxen Membership?

We have answered the question of how to cancel Exxen membership, which was released last year and gained great popularity in a short time. If you want to close your Exxen subscription, also known as “Domestic Netflix”, which features popular productions such as Leyla and Mecnun ve Gibi, please scroll down.

Launched in early 2021 ExxenThanks to its content, it continues to be used in a popular way today. The platform, which has increased its popularity with the revival of popular TV series such as Leyla and Mecnun, continues to grow rapidly. In fact, the TV series Like, which is famous for its lines on social media, is filmed exclusively for Exxen. Today, one of the popular platforms of our country, How to cancel Exxen membership We prepared the guide.

You have to pay certain fees to benefit from Exxen’s content. You can start using Exxen by choosing the most suitable package among the packages where you can choose sports or only TV series and movies. Exxen will automatically renew your subscription by deducting this fee from your credit or debit card each month. Of course, they will not be able to charge your account again after you cancel. Alright How to cancel Exxen membership? Let’s examine it together.

How to cancel Exxen membership?

Step #1: Go to Exxen’s website

For Exxen membership cancellation, first ExxenYou need to go to the website of . You can go to this website via your mobile phone, tablet or website. We strongly recommend that you use the website in order to be able to make healthier transactions about your account settings.

Step #2: Sign in with the account you want to cancel

exxen home page

In order to make settings on your account and access the content, you need to log in with your account. Your account information correctly login to your account. The site will automatically redirect you to the home page. If you do not remember the information of your account, you can change the password of your account with the forgot password option below.

Step #3: Go to the Account & Settings page from the top right corner

exxen account and settings

in front of you Exxen‘s home page will appear. You can watch and preview new content on this page. Another step you will take is to click on your own name in the upper right corner. Then, by clicking on the Account and Settings option, it will be to go to the page where you can make settings on your account.

Step #4: Scroll down to the area with your membership information

exxen subscription plan

On the screen that appears, you can easily apply your subscription, account information, profile and a few more account changes. Slowly scrolling down the page your membership information Go to the part where it is. Here you can view information about your active subscription, such as the renewal period. Of course, you can also cancel your subscription in this section, and if you do not have a sports package, you can upgrade your package.

Step #5: Click on Cancel Subscription

cancel subscription

The first step to cancel the subscription is the one in your membership information. Cancel Subscription button will be clicked. After that you will be faced with further steps to unsubscribe. Your subscription will not expire as soon as you press the button. Exxen asks you for some security steps.

Step #6: Enter your account password and continue

cancel exxen subscription

cancel your subscription You will be greeted with a security step for It will be sufficient to enter the password you used when logging into your account in this field. In this way, your subscription is prevented from being canceled by other people and it is understood that the cancellation was made by the account owner. Therefore, you cannot cancel your subscription without entering your account password.

Step #7: Your subscription has been canceled


When you do this, your subscription will be canceled, but Exxen You will be able to continue watching. Until the renewal date of your subscription, you will be able to continue watching Exxen thanks to your previous subscription. So, if you cancel your subscription on October 5 and your subscription renewal date is October 10, you will be able to use Exxen for 5 more days. On October 10 at 00:00, your subscription will be canceled directly and you will no longer be able to watch Exxen’s premium content.

What happens when Exxen cancels subscription?


Content available on Exxen monthly fee they cannot be tracked unless paid. For this reason, you will not be able to watch content available on Exxen after your Exxen subscription has completely expired. If you want to watch content available on Exxen, you have to purchase an Exxen subscription again. Since you are not a new user, you cannot benefit from the 1 TL campaign offered by Exxen in the first week, and you have to pay the monthly fee directly.

Is Exxen canceled after every month?

exxen mobile

You want your Exxen membership you can cancel at any time. It doesn’t matter if you are at the beginning of the month or at the end of the month. After canceling the subscription, you can continue to use your subscription until the monthly renewal date. When that date comes, your subscription will be canceled automatically. When you want to enter Exxen again, you may encounter the plan selection screen.

Is there an Exxen membership cancellation fee?

exxen home page

When purchasing Exxen membership, you have to pay a fee. But this does not apply when canceling your membership. In other words, you do not need to pay any fees to cancel your Exxen membership. Exxen membership Before canceling, take care to cancel before the subscription renewal date. Otherwise, you will have paid a monthly fee for nothing. When you follow the steps above, you have the opportunity to easily cancel your Exxen account in a few steps.

Although Exxen is a new platform, it continues to be used extensively in our country. In fact, it is also known as “Domestic Netflix” in our country. We can say that it has made Exxen popular in a short time as it brings up the series that we enjoyed watching in the past. However, the quality of the newly added content to the platform and the inclusion of some popular programs such as Talkers into Exxen ensure that the program is used intensively as it is today. We are also for you Exxen membership cancellation If you want to do it, we have revealed the most detailed information on this subject. What content do you enjoy watching on Exxen? Don’t forget to share it with us in the comments.

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