How to Calculate Percentage Discount? Calculate Discount Rate

The discount period has started in online shopping sites and stores. Platforms that offer high discounts with crazy campaigns sometimes automatically present the new price in front of you, but sometimes you may have doubts about the discount rate. So how is the percentage discount calculated? Let’s take a closer look at the formula and other methods of how the discounted price is calculated.

When we say great month, supersonic day, minute discounts, we have started to encounter very attractive discounts wherever we turn our heads these days. Online shopping sites cross out a number and say that they offer a discount at a certain percentage. The new price appears automatically on platforms and stores, but many users how to calculate percentage discount Wondering.

certainly how to calculate discounted price Not only buyers who ask, but also sellers have to do a similar calculation. In fact, sometimes it may be necessary to change it through Excel, as the discounted price is realized in bulk for certain products. Do not worry, of course there is a formula and easy methods for this job. Let’s take a closer look at how to calculate percentage discount and see the methods you can apply.

Firstly; What is the discounted, discounted price?

The word discount, which came to our Turkish from the Italian word sconto, means a discount on the written value of a commodity. So, even if not exactly, discount and discount are synonyms. The discounted, discounted price is generally based on a certain percentage or applied by the seller by rounding that price down to a lower price.

So how is the percentage discount calculated? Here is the simplest formula:

  • Step #1: Our percentage discount calculation formula = price without discount x (100 – odds) / 100
  • Step #2: Let’s say the price of a product is 100 TL.
  • Step #3: The discount rate on the product is 30 percent.
  • Step #4: list price x (100 – odds) / 100 = 100 x (100 – 30) / 100
  • Step #5: 100 x (100 – 30) / 100 = 70
  • Step #6: In other words, the 30 percent discount price of a 100 lira product is 70 lira.

To calculate the percentage discount, simply follow the steps above. formula list price x (100 – odds) / 100 Calculate the discounted price of any product will assist you in this matter. Of course, we have provided a simple example for clarity, but in some cases there will be plus discounts or fractional discounts. This formula will come in handy when the calculation gets complicated.

The fastest method for percentage discount calculation:

  • Step #1: Our quick calculation formula = (product price / 100 x percent quantity) – product price
  • Step #2: Let’s say the price of a product is 100 TL.
  • Step #3: The discount rate on the product is 30 percent.
  • Step #4: (item price / 100 x percent quantity) – product price = (100 / 100 x 30) – 100
  • Step #5: (100 / 100 x 30) – 100 = – 70
  • Step #6: Ignore the minus value as it is a quick calculation formula.
  • Step #7: In other words, the 30 percent discount price of a 100 lira product is 70 lira.
  • Step #8: To calculate the rate of increase (product price / 100 x percent quantity) + product price

To do the percentage calculation process in the fastest way, just follow the steps above. (product price / 100 x percentage amount) – when you apply the product price formula, the result you get will always be negative, but we do not do any math. By doing the quick calculation method in your mind without using any calculator you get an average number. Therefore, the first goal is to reach an average number without looking at the plus or minus value.

discount calculation

How is the discount rate calculated? The formula for calculating the percentage of discount applied to the product:

  • Step #1: Our discount percentage calculation formula = (price without discount – price without discount) / price without discount
  • Step #2: Let’s say the price of the product without discount is 100 TL.
  • Step #3: The discounted price of the product is 70 TL.
  • Step #4: (no discount price – discount price) / no discount price = (100 – 70) / 100
  • Step #5: (100 – 70) / 100 = 0.30
  • Step #6: In other words, the discount rate that reduces a product of 100 lira to 70 lira is 30 percent.

To find out the discount percentage applied on the product, simply follow the steps above. You can calculate the discount rate that reduces the price of the product with the (no discount price – discount price) / no discount price formula. You can use this formula wherever you want to be sure of the discount rate you get. It says 30 percent off but let’s see if it really does or if you are wondering if the discount on this product is like the others, the formula for calculating the percentage of discount applied on the product will come in handy.

discount calculation

How to calculate percentage discount? Excel formula:

  • Step #1: Our Excel table has times in row A.
  • Step #2: During B there are costs.
  • Step #3: There are reduction ratios during C.
  • Step #4: D has the result.
  • Step #5: Our Excel discount calculation formula B2*(1-C2)
  • Step #6: With this formula, the value in row B2 will be calculated from the discount rate in question.
  • Step #7: Double-click the green dot at the bottom of the cell to apply the formula to the entire D column.
  • Step #8: You will have applied the formula to the entire cell without recreating it.
  • Step #9: To make an increase, not a discount, it is sufficient to write a formula such as B2*(1+C2).

Just follow the steps above to calculate the percentage discount with your Excel spreadsheets. The formula we mentioned works most of the time with much simpler tables. If you want to work with Excel spreadsheets that are more complex and have many more variables, you can view our article here and see the courses where you can learn Excel in Turkish and free of charge.

discount calculator excel

Websites where you can calculate the discount online:

Formulas and calculations may confuse you, after all, we do not all calculate discounts every day. Instead of applying these formulas some websites you can use we listed above. The only purpose of these sites is to calculate discounts. Just enter the discounted price and the discount percentage and click the ‘Calculate’ button.

Prices on online shopping sites and stores how to calculate percentage discount We answered the question and listed some of the methods you can apply for this process. If you have methods that you use to calculate the discount much faster, you can share them in the comments.

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