How Should Aid Packages Be Prepared for the Earthquake Zone?

The needs in our regions, which were affected by the two major earthquakes on February 6, are increasing day by day. While preparing parcels for aid, it is necessary to pay attention to some points.

Some of us flock to the area voluntarily. Most of us cannot remain indifferent to any call for help from social media. some of us donating some of us send a warm coat with a supportive note. In a sense, we’re all trying to do whatever we can, big or small.

In this process, where we show a great example of solidarity, Collecting and sending the things you think will be useful in boxes you can ask. However, there are important points that we should pay attention to when determining the needs to be sent as aid and packaging the aid boxes.

You can start by taking the aid to the areas determined and announced by the governorships and municipalities within the framework of official permissions, and you can participate in studies in these areas voluntarily.

It is useful to remind; when not organized It can be difficult for individual aid to reach those in need. In fact, each truck and vehicle sent separately is already difficult enough to reach the region, but when adverse weather conditions are added, it can create density at the entrance to earthquake zones.

Therefore, only In addition to AFAD and Kızılay, AHBAP It needs to be transported to the region and delivered to those in need in an organized and fast manner through non-governmental organizations such as these, which act in coordination with each other and the state.

Most important; Among the items to be put in the boxes, there should not be any unusable items that you would not dare to throw away.

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