How Putin could justify the war

Wladimir Putin

Is he looking for an excuse for an invasion?

(Photo: imago images/SNA)

Moscow The situation in Ukraine is becoming confusing: The United States accuses Russia of fomenting the danger of war with deliberate provocations. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed his skepticism at the Munich Security Conference: Even if the US government and its partners are doing everything possible to find a diplomatic solution, they are “deeply concerned that this is not the path that Russia has taken”.

Blinken had previously cited military provocations, an alleged terrorist attack in Russia or the “fictional discovery of a mass grave” as a possible justification for a war.

Allegations of genocide, staged drone attacks on civilians or a fake attack with chemical weapons are also conceivable deceptive maneuvers that Russia could use to justify an invasion. But how realistic is it for Russia to make use of these opportunities? An analysis.

military provocations

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