How old is the history of “IPO”?

Gather around, we will soon talk about the stock market, one of the most important issues on our agenda! Have you ever wondered how the first stock was born in a market where everyone flocked to own shares? If your answer is yes, you are at the right place.

Approximately from now We need to go back 2000 years to look at the stock market’s rise.. In fact, trade, which is an indispensable source of income in every period, also appears here. Trading in commercial papers also gave birth to the first stocks.

Today The stock that 9 out of 10 people talk about We do not know whether the stock market has followed the same course since the past, but its history is quite deep-rooted.

According to worldwide accepted literature; It is accepted that a functional stock exchange was established in Belgium in 1487 by the trading of commercial papers, that is, the exchange of stocks.

The origin of stockbroking dates back to Jewish families in Bruges, Belgium, who adopted money trading as a profession. The Van der Beurze family, living in Belgium, is thought to be influential in the emergence of the term “stock market”.. The first publicly traded shares appeared on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange in the Netherlands in the early 17th century.

During this period, major shipping and trading companies began using stocks to fund major overseas voyages. These companies issue shares in order to increase capital and distribute risk. They offered it to the public.

One of the most famous and pioneering companies, founded in 1602 It was the Dutch East India Company (VOC). The VOC has used its stocks to attract capital among Dutch traders and investors looking to invest in rich trading opportunities in the East Indies. VOC shares were documents that could be bought and sold among investors, allowing capital to be raised.

These stocks were bought and sold in places such as squares or stock exchange buildings, much different from today.

Investors would trade stocks by transferring them from hand to hand or by auctioning them on the stock exchange square. These first stock transactions in the Netherlands It is said to have laid the foundations of modern stock markets. Stocks and stock exchanges have also become an important means of raising capital and facilitating trading. With the developing maritime trade in the world, countries such as England, Spain, Italy, Netherlands and Belgium are establishing large trade centers in many regions.

Intermediaries formed an important part of many activities that took place in these trading centres. The emergence of commercial paper and loan documents, was realized largely with the contributions of intermediaries, and the first policies began to be used in this period. The spread of commercial bills has also led to the emergence of some rules regarding the change of hands of bills. The inclusion of commercial documents in stock exchange transactions constitutes the first step in the development of stockbroking.

So how did we meet the stock market?

stock exchange hall

In the Ottoman Empire, Borrowing due to the Crimean War of 1854 Widespread exchange of the bonds of the stock market provided the foundations of the stock market activities by gaining a commercial character of the securities.

Galata was known as a trade center where merchants and bankers frequently resided and did business during the Byzantine period. In 1864, a group of bankers operating in this region established an association. In this period “Galata Bankers” This community, known as , did business in various inns.

Established in Istanbul in 1866 with the encouragement of foreign creditor states, “Dersaadet Bonds Exchange” opens as Turkey’s first official stock exchange.

first stock market

This exchange was restructured as the “Esham and Bonds Exchange” with a regulation made in 1906 and continued its activities in this way until the Republican Period. Name of the stock exchange in 1938 “Foreign Exchange, Esham and Bond Exchange” and the introduction of foreign exchange control with the enactment of the Law on the Protection of the Value of the Turkish Currency in 1939 had a great impact especially on the securities of foreign companies and the Istanbul Stock Exchange, which operates under European stock exchanges.

Istanbul Stock Exchange Regulation on 31 October 1985 It is accepted at the general assembly meeting and an important step has been taken for the Istanbul Stock Exchange to become operational as of this date. The stock exchange was officially opened on December 26, 1985 and held its first session on January 2, 1986.

Development of stock markets, It gained great momentum especially in the 19th century with the birth and spread of joint stock companies. Although the great economic crises experienced from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century interrupted the development of the stock markets, the stock market, in which almost everyone participates, continues to gain momentum at full speed.


Those who are entering or thinking of entering into a public offering in the stock market, here: It would be beneficial for you to listen to these recommendations given by experts.


It was announced how many companies were offered to public in Turkey in 2023 and how many billion TL revenue was collected in total.

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