How Long Will We Survive If We Are Swallowed By Whales?

Whales, the world’s largest creatures, scare us as much as they wonder. So if we were swallowed by one of these terrifying gigantic creatures, would we still think they were magnificent?

Being swallowed by the whales we see in cartoons and stories can sound a little scary. We have witnessed several examples of this situation in the world. Pinocchio swallowed by a whale; While describing the inside of his stomach as a dark, cold and wet place, this moment was visualized in our eyes. Well in real life the wilds of the oceans if we were swallowed by one of the whalesWould we be as lucky as Pinocchio?

If you’ve never seen a whale in real life, it’s hard to imagine how gigantic these animals are. If we consider the blue whale, the largest animal in the world, we can understand this situation more easily. Blue whales’ mouths alone weigh more than the average elephantwhich means an average of 400 people would fit in the whale’s mouth!

Judging by the anatomy of whales, is it really possible for them to swallow humans?

Even though their mouths and stomachs appear gigantic, whales their throats are surprisingly narrow. The structure of their throats is barely wide enough for a human arm, the researchers say. A little hard to believe, we admit. They should only be able to cut and swallow a human being anyway, which doesn’t seem like a possible way. Because most whales do not have teeth to tear us apart.

Instead of feeding “whale stick” they do with. Whale stick is a tooth-like limb found in the mouth of toothless whales, 4-5 m in length, in the form of thin long plates, arranged like two rows of fringes along the upper jaw, and serves as a tooth so that food can be collected and retained in the mouth.


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In 1891, it was recorded that sailor James Bartley was swallowed by a sperm type whale.

james bartley

Known as the most dangerous of the species sperm whale There is something more interesting than the person swallowed by the whale, which is the announcement of James Bartley himself, who was swallowed by the whale. According to the story, the sailor’s ship was attacked by a whale; The sailor who was attacked by the giant whale was swallowed by the whale during the attack and did not appear until the next day!

The crew, who started to search for Bartley, came across their friends when they neutralized the whale and looked inside. Allegedly, Bartley’s arms and face turned white due to the acids in the whale’s stomach; this is her eyes He was blinded by the acid.

So is stomach acid all you have to worry about when swallowed by a whale?

Actually, the first thing to worry about is whales with teeth The teeth are as sharp as a chef’s knife. Can you imagine yourself about 20 cm long and between 40 teeth? You can’t because you probably won’t be alive trying to get through the sharp teeth.

Let’s say you are lucky enough to pass all of these teeth. What will happen next?

Your first stop will be the whale’s throat. Here both dark and mucous owner. Worse than these, it is very deficient in oxygen and very rich in methane gas. Therefore, breathing in the throat part will become more and more a torture.

At that moment, the throat of the whale trying to swallow you turns in and out. will contract, As these contractions take place, it will hurt you and you will gradually start to feel the hydraulic acids that penetrate every part of your skin.

When we learned this, we all thought the same thing, didn’t we? yes, probably by James Bartley The famous story that he was swallowed by a whale was a lie or an illusion.

Where is the next stop?


Whales with four stomachs The first stop after passing through the throat will be the biggest stomach. Here you will spend some painful time with the bioluminescent squid. After the good time spent with the lighted squids, you will switch from this stomach to the other stomach.

whale and elephant

In the second stomach, where the grinding process takes place, acids will break your whole body into tiny particles. After that, the few remaining main bones will be ground and expelled with the whale’s excrement. So when you are swallowed by a whale, the possibility of you coming out of the whale’s stomach and telling this story is actually not even a possibility.

Fortunately, we don’t need to be afraid. Humans are not an attractive food for whales.

blue whale

No matter how wild and big animals they look from the outside, it is strange that Whales don’t care about humans. Both their anatomical structures are not suitable for swallowing a human and they mostly feed on sea creatures.

But assuming an exception has occurred, it’s likely to survive. You will have 3 minutes before you drown. Because whales do not have oxygen in their stomachs to breathe. This gives us an average of 3 minutes.

The researchers found that the odds of anyone encountering a sperm whale in the ocean, in particular, are one in a million, because these whales are about halfway across the ocean. 3 thousand kilometers He states that he lives deep. We don’t need to be afraid!


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