How Do Goalkeepers Perceive the World Differently from Everyone Else?

Goalkeepers, whose perception must always be at the maximum level, perceive the world much differently than us and even other football players, according to a study.

There are many studies on physiological variables in sports, but cognitive differences It is generally not brought to the agenda or has not yet been researched sufficiently.

In fact, athletes Considering their cognitive abilities We may encounter very interesting findings, as we will explain shortly. Let’s see how it is together.

Goalkeepers have to respond very quickly to external signals.

Goalkeeping, whose main purpose is to prevent the opponent from scoring goals, may be the most specialized position in football. Between other players physiological and performance oriented There are differences.

According to research conducted at Dublin City University, goalkeepers Because they have to respond very quickly to incoming warnings Their differences are not limited to physiology alone; they also perceive the world cognitively differently from others.

A former goalkeeper who is studying for a master’s degree in behavioral neuroscience says that goalkeepers A hypothesis that there may be cognitive differences threw. A series of tests were carried out on the hypothesis.

In the research focusing on differences, visual and auditory tests were performed.


In the research in which professional goalkeepers, other football players and non-football players participated; ability to distinguish sudden sounds and lights separately from each other looked at. Thus, tendencies to make quick decisions based on visual and auditory information at the same time were observed.

Goalkeepers compared to other participants It parsed more different signals faster and he made decisions much faster than the others. According to the psychologist, they were multi-perceptual.

Goalkeepers don’t just focus on visuals.

Goalkeepers who need auditory information due to their profession; They also have to follow sounds to guess where the ball is. Well Both visual and auditory perceptions are at a very high level is fixed.

Thus, not only on the field, but also against external visual and auditory stimuli in the world other than football. their perceptions become clearer. In other words, they separate stimuli from each other faster.

The source of this difference is still not clearly known.


It is not yet known whether the point where goalkeepers differ is due to their strict training programs or a natural talent that attracts them to become goalkeepers. To know what causes goalkeeper candidates, monitoring the developmental course Much more research needs to be done.

Additionally, although this research focuses only on men, the team includes positions such as forward and defender. Perceptual differences of specialized female actors It also applied for funding to examine it. We are eagerly awaiting developments on the subject.

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