How Can Some Scales Measure Our Fat, Muscle and Bone Ratio?

As technology develops, the number of smart devices in our homes increases at the same rate. One of the most useful of these products is definitely smart scales that can measure fat, muscle and bone weight in your body. So how do these scales work?

Especially in recent years The number of digital scales of many technology brands began to increase.

Over barefoot When you go out, these scales are sent to the application on your smartphone. they can measure and send fat, muscle and bone ratios. So how exactly do they work?

In order to understand this, we must first teach Chemistry 101.

As you know, our bodies contain fat and water. If the density of water is more than oil (that is, if we are not fat) It means we have a healthy body. And again, as you know, water, It is a more conductive substance than oil. So when you electrify the water, it circulates much faster than when you give it to the oil.

This is the reason why we go barefoot on such scales.

smart scale

The gray parts on the scale are on your body through your bare feet. an electrical wave that has a harmless level of voltage sending. This calculates how much fat you have in your body and how much water you have.

This is how the percentage of fat, muscle and bone appearing in the application is calculated.

If the frequency of fat in your body is high (so if you are fat) the electricity sent by the scale is in your body. going around slower will return to the scale. If it is less, it will circulate faster in the waters in your muscles and return to the scale. Thus, the fat ratio in your body is also calculated.

So what is the ideal fat ratio for women and men?

We got on these scales, measured our body fat; So how do we know if we are above or below our ideal fat ratio? According to the data determined by the World Obesity Treatment Association 25% fat for men, for women, 32% fat When you exceed it, you have an unhealthy fat ratio.

What is the accuracy of the ratios given by these scales?

Of course, between the measurement you go to a pharmacy or hospital and the measurements you make on the scales at home. there will be difference. Although the working principle of the machines in such institutions is basically the same, the data obtained is more precise.

However, the measurement data given by these scales has an average accuracy. In fact, if you want to get more accurate data, you can do it like this:

  • Use the scale at the same time every day
  • Drink as much water as your body needs, stay hydrated
  • Do not use the scale after drinking caffeine or alcohol
  • Do not use the scale after exercising
  • Use the scale a few hours after eating


Where and How Does the Fat Mass We Burn in Our Body Go?

If you use your scale in accordance with these instructions, it will take the measurements on machines in pharmacies or hospitals. you can get close data.

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