Hogwarts Legacy Broke Shortly After Its Release

Hogwarts Legacy, set in the Harry Potter universe, was cracked by a hacker named EMPRESS 2 weeks after its release.

One of the most anticipated games of the year Hogwarts LegacyIt was released on February 10, 2023. Set in the universe of the popular fantasy series Harry Potter, the production allowed gamers to experience the universe in detail and become a student at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry they have always dreamed of.

There has been a development today about Hogwarts Legacy, which has attracted great attention with its release and reached millions of hours of play. Developed by Avalanche Software, the game was cracked 13 days after its release.

The game was cracked by the hacker named EMPRESS

EMPRESS The world-renowned hacker, known as the “DRM” and known for breaking the DRM protections in games, announced that the Hogwarts Legacy was broken and published the files. Of course, we will not share any links regarding this situation to avoid supporting the piracy.

Hogwarts Legacy, used to prevent piracy in games Denuvo He was using the latest version of technology. However, the information that has emerged now has revealed that this latest version is also broken.

Hogwarts Legacy, which takes us into the world of Harry Potter, on Steam for 699 TL selling. Today Warner Bros. Let’s add that the signals of the continuation of the game are given in the statements made by.


“The Continuation Game Is Coming!” for Hogwarts Legacy, Breaking Sales Records! Explanation That Makes You Say

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