Highly anticipated Altcoin Season Comment from Legendary Economist: There’s Time Yet!

Trade legend macro economist Henrik Zeberg made remarkable statements while stating that there is still time for the highly anticipated altcoin season.

Economist Zeberg stated that it is still early for the altcoin rally, while discussing the necessary factors. in the statements found. Altcoin bull’s investors greed Emphasizing that it will be ignited with the transition to the stage of US Federal Reserve (FED) He pointed to the decisions to be made by:

Altcoin season is not yet fully arrived. Greed needs to kick in. This atmosphere will be shaped by the decisions made by the FED.

On-chain analytics firm in description of Swissblock Zeberg, who took advantage of the share of its founder, implied that more liquidity should enter the market first.

According to the data Zeberg references, Bitcoin and Ethereum (ETH) It is rising consistently and if a real altcoin season starts, a serious bullish move will come first by Ethereum. After Ethereum ignited the market other large-volume altcoins and then risky rise of meme tokens Waiting.

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