Hessen tightens rules for unvaccinated people and people with customer contact – hospital traffic lights in Bavaria turn red

Israel wants to allow tourist groups to enter the country without a third vaccination against the corona virus. This was announced by a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Tourism on Monday. Accordingly, the so-called Corona Cabinet decided that Israel vacationers may enter groups from Tuesday under certain conditions if they have been vaccinated twice – even if more than six months have passed since the second vaccination.

Since November 1, it has been the rule for Israel tourists that no more than six months must have passed since the second injection before they leave the country – unless there was a so-called booster vaccination for a booster. This also applies accordingly to a vaccination with the preparation from Johnson & Johnson, for which only a single injection is required.

In the future, groups of five to 40 tourists can now enter the country with a permit from the ministry. However, you must be vaccinated with corona vaccines that are recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). In Israel, the group must travel as a closed “capsule” – with special restrictions in places where there is a high risk of infection.

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