Here’s the Behind the Ten Million NFT Highlights in Turkey!

Recently, a non-fungible token (NFT) event, supported by some people from the crypto money community in Turkey, came to the fore. The NFT project in question is a project called Solagon NFT, created on the Solana network. The tokens in this collection started to be sold on Solsea and sold out with 7,777 tokens sold. But as it began to be promoted on social media platforms, concerns grew that it was a hit. Now, new details about the project have emerged.

The eventful story of the Solagon NFT project

According to their website, Solagon is a collection of algorithmically generated “cute baby dragon” NFTs that live on the Solana Blockchain. The collection consists of 7,777 Solagon dolls randomly selected from over 500 thousand possibilities in total. A total revenue of 15,554 SOLs was generated from this sale, ie approximately 23 million liras. The project, which emerged in early September, gained followers with various raffles and shares of crypto phenomena. As we have also reported, it was claimed that the phenomena made the sharing in exchange for money.

Announcing that the tokens will go on sale on October 4, Solagon announced that a pre-sale will be launched before the sales time it shared. Meanwhile, Solagon tweeted that not everyone had the internet problem, addressing many users who said that they were affected by a general Facebook-induced outage and could not access the site. Then the sales process started and many users bought their NFTs and 7,777 NFTs were sold in about 14 hours.

Interesting details about the project

The project was somehow launched and sales took place. However, suspicious details about Solagon were shared. First of all, the project belongs to AGBLab, a Turkish company based in Ankara; but it turned out that there is no information about Solagon on the company’s website. Solagon’s Twitter profile shows California as the address. Also, there is no description of the team or developers on the website of the Solagon NFT project.

Finally, considering Solana-based NFT projects with an average selling price of around 0.25-0.50 SOL; It is also noteworthy that the sales price of this project is around 2 SOLs. The current value of Solagon NFTs put up for sale on other platforms has been withdrawn to around 0.2-0.5 SOL. “Is Solagon a good investment tool?” on the project’s website. It is thought that the answer to the question of “you have to decide for yourself” was given in order not to take the responsibility of investors who are currently in serious losses.

Prices of Solagon NFTs in FTX Source: Webtekno

Suspicions about the Solagon project were surfaced by Lord of Crypto, a well-known name from the Turkish crypto community. Lord of Crypto shared the promotional message of a person who said that he is one of the names behind the project in a tweet he sent on October 5, and used the phrases “there is a scam image”.

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