Hard days for Apple: iPhone production is interrupted!

Shown as one of the biggest technology companies in the smartphone world, Apple continues to work on the highly anticipated flagship iPhone 14. The development process of the phone, which is expected to be released this year, continues with difficulties. However, the company seems to be dealing with some problems.

Apple cuts iPhone production target by 20 million

On the other hand, Apple, which has reached a large audience with the iPhone in the smartphone world, seems to be a little behind the sales target for 2022. At the beginning of the year, it was stated that it will sell more than 300 million iPhones. However, it may lag well behind this number.

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According to a published report, Apple will go to some restrictions on iPhone production. The company, which wants to produce more than 300 million smartphones during the year, has reduced its target by 20 million. On the other hand, according to the analysis company, Apple will be able to produce 240 million iPhones in 2022. The most important reason for the serious decrease in the company’s target is shown as the coronavirus.

China is implementing a “zero tolerance” policy for the coronavirus. Due to this practice, many companies have been shut down in the past months. As such, the productions were delayed. Like many technology giants manufacturing in China, Apple has had its share of coronavirus measures.

Although Apple tries hard to meet the expectations, it seems that it will not be able to get out of the business. According to Nikkei Asia, Apple is 3 weeks away from its planned work schedule due to the shutdowns. As such, the release date of the iPhone 14 seems to see a delay.

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