Halo Infinite has removed a beloved feature from the story mode!

Halo Infinite story mode of the game December 8It starts at. At this point, a sad situation awaits the players. Because the game’s ability to replay individual story missions is removed. To replay episodes of Halo Infinite, you now need to open a new save.

The complex situation that arises Halo InfiniteIt originated from the semi-open world environment in . While all missions take place in linear order, some require a player to travel around the world to clear a specific area. There is good news at this point. After clearing an area in the game and completing the story mission, you can go back to exploration.

Halo Infinite players are in trouble with cheaters!

Halo Infinite, which was presented to the players in the past weeks, met with great interest. However, players complain about cheaters.

Halo Infinite removed returning story mode

The first two missions of the game Zeta Holatakes place in . When you are done, there is no way to return to these areas. That means you have to start a new save to play those missions again. Otherwise, it means that the missed collectibles cannot be accessed during that game.


Skulls remain locked to the account. So they are not lost when a new recording is started. But for those who are replaying missions other than the first two, this means replaying the entire game in turn. previous halo games gave players the option to easily jump to different missions via a dedicated menu. Made it easy to change difficulty and add skulls.

Microsoft representative clarified the situation

Halo Infinite there is plenty to do to keep even the fans occupied for a while. The point where the players have problems is that they want to play again because the missions are so good. A Microsoft representative confirmed to Polygon that the story missions are not replayable. The representative stated:

Post-game gives you the option to explore the wider environment. However, like the first two, you cannot play the same save file for missions you haven’t played yet. You will be able to get the remaining FOBs, objectives and audio tracks, but the main story missions will not be repeated.


two big Halo Infinite feature, co-op story and Forge mode, 2022 Released in the year. 343 Industries, August already announced that they do not come out with the game.

You Halo Infinite What do you think about it? What are your expectations from the game? Do not forget to share your ideas with us in the comments section!

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