Google Will Delete Data from Billions of Chrome Browsers

Google will delete the data of people who use the Chrome browser in incognito mode. The internet giant was sued for continuing to track user data in incognito mode.

In recent months, Google has US Department of Justice Before taking the defendant’s seat in the major antitrust case filed by , he had reached a settlement in some cases. Last Sunday, the technology giant signed its fourth agreement in the last four months. According to this agreement, Google will pay billions chrome He agreed to delete his data.

With the latest agreement, the technology giant Google Chrome Agreed to destroy user’s incognito browsing data. Chasom Brown and others filed against Google, the company claimed that even in incognito mode while tracking users’ activities It was claimed that they misled users on this issue. Brown and others have stated that they believe this mode will be more private.

Incognito mode will be truly private

Google reached agreements ahead of lawsuits filed by the US Department of Justice that would focus on the company’s search engine services and advertising services. more than $1 billion has spent money. Among the agreements made by the internet giant so far are a lawsuit regarding the fees requested from application developers, a lawsuit regarding sharing user data of the Google+ platform, and a lawsuit regarding patent copyright infringement.

According to the agreement, Google will protect those who browse the Internet in incognito mode. about the collection of data will warn. Not only that, Google will no longer use the technology that allows it to detect when incognito mode is used, and the data collected will also be limited. Plaintiffs $5 billion The claim for compensation was deemed invalid and Google will not pay. Still, people can individually file a lawsuit against Google for damages.


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