Google Created Doodle for October 29 Republic Day!

Republic of Türkiye, exactly 100 years ago Mustafa Kemal AtatürkIt was founded under the leadership of . While celebrations continue in our country, the world’s largest companies do not forget this special day. US technology giant Google in 29 OctoberIt became one of the companies that did not forget .

Google created Doodle for October 29

For those who don’t know doodle; holidays, periods of the year, famous artists, scientists, special days for the world or countries Google changes made to the logo. Every year many doodle celebrating special days by showing Google, 29 OctoberHe didn’t forget either.

search engine giant Google, October 29 Republic Day a special one for doodle created. This is what you can see from the picture above doodle, Google Search It started to be shown to everyone via .

Unexpected Doodle from Google: Who is Nüzhet Gökdoğan?

Unexpected Doodle from Google: Who is Nüzhet Gökdoğan?

Google prepared a Doodle for Nüzhet Gökdoğan. Who is Gökdoğan, Turkey’s first female astronomer? Here are the details.

Reinforcing the Turkish people’s feelings of national unity and solidarity October 29 Republic Day, Republic of Türkiyeof Mustafa Kemal Atatürk It is one of the days that is eagerly awaited as a national holiday held every year to celebrate the date when it was declared by the Republic of Turkey.

Educational institutions and the municipality organize various events for the 29 October Republic Day, which is celebrated with various concerts, official ceremonies, shows and fireworks in Turkey. All the people of Türkiye, with its population of 85 million, share this excitement.

us too ShiftDelete.Net as the team October 29 Republic DayWe congratulate you with our sincerest wishes. So what do you think about this issue? You can share your opinions with us in the Comments section below.

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