Garen CTs, Strengths & Weaknesses, Abilities

One of the popular top laner champions of LoL, Demacian Garen is a powerful champion even though he is simple to play. Let’s take a look at how to play Garen.

The noblest warrior in the LoL universe garenA member of the Crownguard family, a illustrious soldier of the Demasian army. He is a very strong and smart fighter, but unfortunately these features are not reflected in the game. garen, the skill kit is a pretty simple champion.

In this article of Garen all abilities, strengths, weaknesses, ct’s and gameplay suggestions we compiled. Let’s take a look at how to play Garen more effectively.

All abilities of Garen, who can lower a sword from the sky:

Passive – Fortitude: Garen automatically heals extra when not fighting.

Q – Relentless Charge: Garen sprints towards his opponent and strikes a powerful attack, silencing the opponent. It also gets rid of the slowing effects on it.

W – Courage: Garen briefly gains a shield and a scatter. This ability passively gains armor and magic resist as they kill an enemy.

E – Judgment: Garen deals rotating damage to enemies based on attack speed.

R – The Justice of Demacia: Garen drops a sword from the sky that deals massive true damage.

As an indestructible tank, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the Garen?


Garen’s strongest point is actually his passive. Firmness. If Garen doesn’t fight to renew your life Thanks to this passive, which allows Garen to recover his health and continue to kill minions, even if the trade turns out to be harmful. Garen’s E ability in 1v1 fights deal too much damage provides. Also, an unknown information about Garen: If you press W before you are exposed to full crowd control, you can easily get rid of crowd control with the instant dodge you gain.


The biggest shortcoming in Garen’s kit is that he doesn’t have a crowd control. For this reason, his rivals easily hit and run He can do it and is very weak against ranged champions. In team fights as long as the opposing team is not backing nothing more than a tank. In the late game, you can only use Garen for tanking and split pushing.

Garen CTs that can knock it down:


Since Garen is a very simple champion to play and the champion’s limits are quite limited, he can actually be hit by many champions. However, the three champions we gave above are against Garen. have the highest win rates 3 champions.

Of these, Vayne achieves this with her true damage and being a ranged champion. Camille, Can block Garen’s damage with his passive shield and he can keep his distance from Garen with his E ability. Kayle, on the other hand, is ranged and Ability to hit Garen gives it a great advantage.

Tips for playing Garen:


garen Play it safe and avoid trades in the early game with early game, otherwise you will fall back and you won’t be able to get stronger. After unlocking your ultimate, your potential to score definitely increases a lot, so at level 5 you can compete with your opponent. enter the trade and when you are level 6 dive in with all your skills and execute your opponent with your ultimate.

In the midgame, when there’s no teamfight, split push and get your opponent’s attention on you. If the opponent rushes at you You can escape with the Q abilityIf 1 person comes, you can also score 1 to 1. Try to back the opponent for team fights.


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late game, A phase where Garen is weak. In teamfights, silence the opponent’s most damaging member with your Q. tank as much as you can. Keeping your team alive is your biggest function in the late game with Garen.

Thus, the LoL top laner champion of Garen We have come to the end of our content where we list all abilities, strengths, weaknesses, CTs and gameplay suggestions. Please leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below.

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