Formula 1 Driver Sebastian Vettel Retires

Sebastian Vettel, one of the legendary drivers of Formula 1, announced that he will retire. Vettel included an emotional video in his social media account.

One of the pilots who engraved his name in the world of Formula 1 with golden letters. Sebastian Vettelshared a news that destroyed the entire Formula 1 world today. Vettel, whose retirement rumors have been shared for a long time, created an Instagram account for the first time last night, and today he made an announcement from this Instagram account.

german pilot, He has announced that he will end his Formula 1 career with this season. In his announcement before the Hungarian Grand Prix to be held this weekend, Vettel reiterated his sensitivity towards environmental and social issues in recent years. Vettel’s sharing and explanations were as follows:

Sebastian Vettel’s farewell message:

“I am announcing my retirement from Formula 1 at the end of the 2022 season. I should probably start a long list of people to thank now, but I think it’s more important to explain the reasons behind my retirement decision. I am in love with this sport. It was at the center of my life for as long as I can remember. But just as there is life on the track, I also have life off the track. Being a racing driver was never my only identity. I believe more in who we are and how we treat others than in what we do. Who am I?

I’m Sebastian, the father of three and the husband of an amazing woman. I am curious, easily attracted to passionate and talented people. I am obsessed with perfection. I am tolerant and I think we all have the same rights to live regardless of how we look, where we come from and who we love. I love being outside, I love nature and its wonders. I am stubborn and impatient. I can be really annoying. I like to make people laugh. I love the chocolate and the smell of fresh bread. My favourite colour is blue. I believe in change, progress, and the smallest thing leads to change. I am an optimist and I believe people are good.

I have raised a family alongside the race and I love being with them. Apart from Formula 1, I also created different interests. My passion for Formula 1 and racing takes most of my time with them and spends a lot of my energy. My attachment to my passion and thinking it right no longer aligns with my desire to be a good father and husband. Being one with the car and the team requires the energy, focus and dedication needed to pursue perfection.

My goals have shifted from winning races and fighting for the championship to seeing my kids grow, passing on my values, helping them get up when they fall, listening to them when they need me, not having to say goodbye, and most importantly, letting them learn from and inspire me. Children are our future. Moreover, I think there is much more to discover and learn about life and myself.

sebastian vettel

Speaking of the future, we are going through very important times and how we shape the coming years will determine our lives. My passion has some points I’ve learned not to like. These may be resolved in the future, but the will to accept this change must be much stronger and lead to action today. Talking is not enough and we cannot afford to wait. There is no alternative. The race continues.

My best race? It will still come. I believe in moving forward and continuing. Time is a one-way street and I want to go with time. Looking back will only slow down the trail. I look forward to racing on unknown tracks and will face new challenges. The tracks I left on the track will remain until time and rain destroy them. New ones will be added. Tomorrow belongs to those who shape today. The next bend, the next generation, is in good hands as it has already entered this corner. I still believe there is a race to be won. Goodbye and thanks for letting me share the track with you. I enjoyed every moment of it.”

Sebastian Vettel has managed to become a four-time Formula 1 World Champion so far. Vettel was also one of the most loved names in the Formula 1 world. With his honest and unique sincere personality, he is also for many people. He was an exemplary pilot.

Let’s recall those moments when Okay Karacan sang Vettel’s name, which is engraved in the minds of the Turkish people:

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