For the First Time, a Woman Has Been Cured from HIV with Treatment

Scientists announced that a woman who received stem cell therapy for the treatment of leukemia completely got rid of the HIV virus. Although the woman’s recovery is quite rare among HIV patients; Cell transplantation is important for the future of HIV research.

Today, a vaccine has not been developed against the HIV virus, which causes the collapse of the human immune system and causes many people to die. Although the treatments developed to date ensure that the virus and the disease AIDS are kept under control, the virus cannot be completely eliminated from the body with these treatments.

On the other hand, the medical world witnessed great advances in HIV treatment. Today, California scientists announced the news, which is a first in the world. For the first time, scientists at the university’s David Geffen School of Medicine have Healing completely with treatment they announced. The few people who had previously recovered with HIV treatment were all men.

Stem cell therapy made HIV lose its effect:

The scientists behind the success, the woman being treated who need a stem cell transplant for the treatment of leukemia He announced that he was an individual with HIV. It was stated that it would be difficult for the woman to find a match with both genetic and HIV-resistant mutations to treat both cancer and potentially HIV, while it was stated that this is a natural but rare mutation. But doctors made this pairing come true.

Dr. The team led by Yvonne J. Bryson performed the haplo-cord stem cell transplant. In this treatment method, patients can ward off cancer. containing stem cells umbilical cord blood was given. However, the team used blood from both an infant and adult donor to create a treatment that strongly matches the woman’s immune system.


History: A Woman Diagnosed with HIV Positive Recovered Without Even Without Treatment

The treatment essentially consisted of killing the woman’s immune system, then building up her new immune system. Haplo-cord stem cell transplantation has reduced leukemia for more than four years after treatment and keep HIV in remission for three yearsthat is, he managed to keep the disease inactive.

On the other hand, Anthony Fauci, Chief Medical Advisor to the President of the USA, made an important statement about this development. Fauci stated that this treatment cannot be applied to 36 million people with HIV, and that the patient already has a disease that requires stem cell therapy. So much so that haplo-cord stem cell therapy can only be applied to an average of 50 people each year in the USA. Still, according to Fauci, this treatment is a tool for HIV research. guide nature can see.

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