Foods Cats and Dogs Shouldn’t Eat

How do we feed our cat and dog friends who have become one of our family? Today we explain to you the foods that should not be given to cats and dogs. If you do not want to lose your friend, you should pay attention to these foods.

Animals have been loved and nurtured in our society for many years. cat and dog We have many friends that we feed, especially in our homes or gardens. In today’s content, we will talk about foods that will be harmful to the health of these friends. When you sit at the dinner table, you may be giving a small piece of your food, unable to bear your innocent eyes. Of course, every action is an experience. When my own dog died a week ago, I saw very sharply that what I was doing was actually not a very good thing.

I feel that the less people feel the sadness and guilt I felt for my dog ​​Thorin, who died when he was only 10 years old, the more peaceful I will be. For this reason, while keeping pets in this content, You will be able to find answers to questions such as what you should pay attention to, what will be harmful to eat. Yes, I know that they are very cute when they want their share of the food on the table with their beady eyes, but even that single bite can cause serious health problems when they get older. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to the diet for “his” well-being.

In addition to our pets We should not forget our friends outside. We have to be very careful with the foods we throw in the trash or give them to eat. The food you will buy instead of giving the leftover food at home will also make your friends outside much more happy.

How should you feed your pet?

I tried to benefit from reliable sources in this content. Also in my efforts to save my own dog Thorin I will also include the information I received from veterinarians.. It is not a very right move to adopt a pet by saying, “But what a cat, what will it be from what it eats”. Just like a human baby, our pets are our responsibility and we need to give them the healthy life they need. Buying and feeding the cheapest salami from the market will cause your cat or dog to have an unhealthy diet.

Before we talk about how you should feed your pet, let’s look at how you shouldn’t. Even though cats think we’re big cats we are not cats and we have a different metabolism. For this reason, the food we digest is not the same as that of our cat and dog friends. For example, a chocolate we eat with pleasure can have deadly consequences for dogs. A food that includes the nutrients they need to eat will ensure that your pet is healthy.

Why do we need to give cat or dog food instead of food?

Dog food

You may think that whoever eats dog food when there is a lot of tomato paste at home, but this is a wrong attitude. The friend you take into your house does not have to eat the leftovers from you. Adding salt, pepper, cumin, onion and much more food in your food will harm your friends’ stomach. This causes heartburn, gastritis and ulcers. Worse The foods you have in your home probably won’t provide the nutrients your cat or dog needs in a balanced way.

For example, there was chicken at home, and after you ate it well, you gave the bones to your friend. This is something almost everyone does, but if your cat or dog You must remember that you are putting something sharp, like a knife, into your mouth. Maybe nothing happened for years, but an ingested piece of bone can cause serious cuts or blockages.


Because of all these problems, we should feed our pets with food in a planned and at a certain scale. Of course, the food we choose is also very important. 15 kilograms of 80 TL food from the market will not be a very healthy alternative. to buy for your friend The healthiest food will be the food you will get in consultation with the veterinarian. It will tell you the most suitable food and daily needs according to your cat or dog’s breed, weight, social status and possible health problems. Well, if you say that you can’t always have formula, I will feed myself, what are the foods you should pay attention to? Let’s take a look at the foods that our cat and dog friends should definitely not eat.

Foods that cats and dogs should not eat

  • Avocado
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Chocolate
  • Onion and garlic
  • Grape
  • Citrus (Orange, lemon, tangerine)
  • Raw meat and eggs
  • macadamia nut
  • Milk and milk products
  • White bread
  • raw dough
  • Artificial sweetener (Xylitol)



It has recently become popular in our country. avocado fruit, contained in high oil value It causes harm to our furry friends. Also in large and slippery core can be swallowed very easily and can cause congestion. As a result, it may require surgery. Except for avocado, all seed foods such as peach and plum are considered dangerous due to the risk of congestion.



From what I have seen from my own friends, cats and dogs are not very good with alcohol, but some of them strangely like it. (My friend had a dog that adored beer.) However, cats and dogs are much more susceptible to the effects of intoxication than we humans. Our friends who weigh less than us, just like humans They may experience alcohol poisoning. Moreover, for this intoxication, it will be sufficient for them to drink less alcohol than people.



If you are someone like me who cannot start the day without a cup of coffee as soon as you wake up in the morning, you should make sure that your cup is finished. contained in coffee Caffeine is extremely risky for cats and dogs. Coffee, which acts as a stimulant in cats and dogs; can cause increased heart rate, high blood pressure, tremors, and even seizures.



Among the foods that harm our pets, perhaps the most well-known is chocolate. This sweet food Cocoa can cause vomiting, dehydration, abdominal pain, muscle tremors, irregular heart rhythm and seizures. While the milk and sugar in chocolate are harmful enough, the greatest harm comes from the caffeine and theobromine in the cocoa plant. For this reason, dark chocolate is a much more harmful food for your pets than milk chocolate.

Onion and garlic

Onion and garlic

are members of the Allium plant family Foods such as onions, garlic, leeks can damage red blood cells in your cats and dogs. This can cause your dog to have anemia. It should be noted that serious problems can occur, especially when eaten raw and in large quantities.

Grapes (including raisins)


looks so harmless grape; it leaves extremely harmful effects on our cat and dog friends. Kidney problem is one of the diseases that cause the same effect not only in normal but also in raisins. For example, if you give your cat a cookie containing a few raisins, to kidney failure You can cause.

Citrus (Orange, lemon, tangerine)


Also known as citrus orange, tangerine, lemon, grapefruit found in this group, which includes fruits such as citric acid can cause irritation and problems in the central nervous system in our cat and canine friends. Small doses of these foods taken by pets cause stomach discomfort, while much more serious events can be encountered at higher doses.

Raw meat and eggs

Raw meat

In recent years, raw meat diets have become very popular with dogs. However, it is necessary to know that you should be very careful before giving raw meat or eggs to your pet. Harmful to humans in raw meat and eggs It contains harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli. In addition, giving raw eggs to your pet contains an enzyme called “acidin”, which inhibits the B vitamin called biotin. This causes various problems in the skin and coat of your friend.

macadamia nut

macadamia nut

This high-fat peanut variety, which can irritate dogs’ stomachs, is also due to an unknown condition. toxic food for dogs. Eating 2 peanuts per kilogram of your dog’s body weight can cause temporary paralysis. It can also cause diseases such as paralysis, severe weakness, nausea in the worst case scenario.

Milk and milk products

cat milk

Some people into lactose intolerance have difficulty digesting milk. This is more common in cats and dogs. For this reason, cats and dogs He should not consume foods such as milk, cheese, ice cream.

White bread


White bread, which we are talking about with its increasing prices these days, is a food source that we give to our pets because it is harmless. However, additional foods in commercial breads damage the pancreas of pets. For this reason, you may need to take your friend to the hospital regularly.

raw dough


If you have more or less knowledge of bread making, you can use these foods to inflate. yeast is used you know. When your pet eats raw dough, this food continues to expand in his stomach. As a result of this such as pain and obstruction in the intestinal tract serious problems can occur. In addition, yeast in raw dough, It also produces ethanol, which can lead to alcohol poisoning.

Artificial sweetener (Xylitol)


Xylitol isn’t actually a food, but it’s in many of the things we eat.. This artificial sweetener, which is found in candy, chewing gum, bakery products and many prepared foods, of our friends to lower blood sugar and can cause severe liver failure.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

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