First Painted Sculpture Found in Göbeklitepe

As a result of the excavations carried out in the Göbeklitepe and Karahantepe regions, different statues and ruins were found. The painted sculpture is a first.

No matter how much information we find, when it comes to human history, we constantly come across a new finding. Göbeklitepe is one of the most important starting points of these findings. Göbeklitepe, which was built in the years when people were thought to be novices even in using tools, continues to shed light on human history not only with its architecture, but also with the findings that emerge as studies are carried out on it.

In recent studies, two statues were found during excavations in the Göbeklitepe and Karahantepe areas. Especially in Karahantepe The human statue found draws attention with its very realistic nature compared to the period in which it was made. in Göbeklitepe It’s also quite interesting.

A human and a wild boar statue were found.

in Karahantepe Let’s start with the human statue. This statue, which has a realistic facial expression, is 230 centimeters (2.3 meters) high. The ribs, shoulder and spine bones on the statue, which is fixed inside a bench, attract attention. In the area where this statue is located vulture statue And on stone plates was also found.

in Göbeklitepe A life-sized wild boar statue was found. The presence of red, white and black pigment residues on its surface indicates that the statue in question is one of the surviving works from that period to the present day. first painted statue It means it is.

Karahantepe sculpture

More or less 1500 years old Göbeklitepe, which contains a historical process, seems to continue to reveal such important mysteries. It’s not just Göbeklitepe either. For culture and Tourism Ministry According to the statement made by , various human and animal statues were unearthed during the excavations carried out in 9 archaeological areas in 2023 within the scope of the Stone Hills project.

You can take a look at our content below to learn why Göbeklitepe is so important.


Come and have your tea and coffee: Why is Göbeklitepe, discovered 38 years ago by a farmer from Urfa, so important?

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