First Aid Information for Our Animals Affected by the Earthquake

The earthquake disaster that took place in our country was very devastating for everyone. We asked Veterinarian Onur Candan how first aid can be given to our animal friends in disasters where other creatures are also afraid and harmed.

First aid is always vital for the injured. Of course, the person who will do the first intervention in the right way are veterinarians.

You do not have the opportunity to take him to the doctor; What we can do for animals in cases such as freezing, injury, burning and what should be in the first aid kit. with the information we received from our physician. we compiled. It is especially important in times of disaster.

Here’s how to give first aid to people rescued from the wreckage:


Earthquake Is Not The Only Threat! How to Give First Aid Against Hypothermia and Freezing in Winter Conditions?

Things to have in the first aid kit for our animal friends:

  • sterile gauze
  • Winding roll
  • sterile gloves
  • adhesive roll tape
  • Towel
  • scissors-nail clippers
  • Magnifying glass
  • Tweezers
  • Syringe
  • hemostatic dressing
  • eye wash solution
  • antiseptic solution
  • ice pack

How should the injured animal be approached?

wrecked dog

The injured animal may become aggressive. as much as possible relieving actions must be taken. The animal should be relaxed by leaning on its knees and speaking in a calm tone of voice.

Especially an animal under rubble. suddenly pulling out should not be alarmed. This also increases the risk of internal bleeding. The animal, which is slowly removed from its environment, should be wrapped in something like a blanket and prevented from seeing the outside environment.

How should first aid be given to stinging injuries?

first aid for animals

Stinging injuries deep and surface is divided into two. Superficial injuries include a small puncture of glass, metal, splinter. After removing the immersed object, the area should be cleaned with an antiseptic solution or gently washed. The area should then be wrapped with a sterile cloth.

Moving the submerged object in deep sinkings damage to vessels or internal organs why could it be. In this type of bleeding, the first intervention should be aimed at stopping the bleeding. The area should be covered with sterile gauze without making sudden movements and applying pressure.

The closed area should be observed continuously at 5-10 minute intervals. it should be checkedThe diaper should be checked every 1 hour.

How should first aid be given in case of frostbite?

cat coming out of the wreck

If the animal has a simple drop in body temperature and is wet, it must be dried. If possible, wrapped in a blanket not very hot A hot water bag support should be provided.

The patient is from the cold environment gradually It should be placed in a warm environment and should be wrapped with something cotton/moisture-absorbing and cold-proof on the outside.

If the animal is able to eat soft and wet should be fed with food. If unconscious, serum should be given.

What should never be done?

From cold to warm environment direct transfer SHOULD NOT BE DONE.

Massage should not be done. It can cause internal bleeding.

What should be the first aid for burns?

first aid for animals

If the substance causing the burn is a caustic substance, the area immediately with clean water needs to be cleaned. This process should be done for about 10 minutes.

If the burn is new with cold water should be cleaned, if it is old, it should be cleaned with clean water only.

The burned area should be covered with a wet cloth. If there is injury or discharge in the burn area, to avoid infection with gauze should be closed.

In case of cold burn, gradually first with normal water, then with warm water should be washed. Then the area should be heated and wrapped with a warm blanket. Small massages can be done to increase blood circulation.

for people burn creams and ointments It is convenient to use.

What should never be done?

Tomato paste, olive oil, eggs, honey, yogurt, toothpaste and similar substances should NOT be applied.

From burn cream/ointment another cream or ointment MUST NOT be driven.

in cold burns hot water SHOULD NOT BE USED.

Veterinary clinics that provide free treatment support and accommodation for animals affected by the earthquake:

earthquake free vet


  • Gene Veterinary Clinic: 0533 495 23 29
  • Pet King: 0542 423 88 98
  • Pati-Ka Veterinary Clinic: 0538 552 51 71
  • Petshome: 0553 790 24 02
  • Vatsilla Veterinary Clinic: 0534 443 97 21
  • Square Vet: 0541 219 92 82
  • Pet Life Veterinary Clinic: 0553 790 24 02


  • Pet Life Veterinary Clinic: 0536 027 57 97
  • Heypati Vet: 0533 193 72 84
  • Demar Veterinary Clinic: 0533 656 82 20


  • Avisa Veterinary Clinic 0422 325 02 86


  • Dr. Pati Veterinary Clinic: 0543 719 05 32
  • Sur-Vet Veterinary Clinic: 0532 776 90 32


  • Karaca Veterinary Clinic: 0541 349 02 06


  • Petcare Veterinary Clinic: 0552 877 28 84


Institutions and Organizations You Can Help for Earthquake


A Site That Shows You Are Eligible To Donate Blood In order Not To Busy Blood Donation Centers Unnecessarily

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