Fahrettin Koca’s Statement Hit Medipol Hospital

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca created confusion with his statement about the salary of healthcare workers. After the announcement, the news that Medipol Hospital provided free examination and treatment came with it, and the hospital was bombarded with phone calls.

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca shared that the number of cases had decreased greatly in the statement he made recently. After Koca’s statement, eyes were turned to the news from the Scientific Committee meeting to be held on April 27.

The words of Health Minister Fahrettin Koca at the conference he gave at Adıyaman University are: a big misunderstanding ignited the fuse. The statement regarding the increase in the wages of healthcare workers brought with it the statements on Twitter that Medipol Hospital is free.

The news that Medipol Hospital was free spread in a short time.

Fahrettin Koca, at the conference where he met with medical faculty students “A reputation that is indexed to an increase in wages is like money, it melts away easily. Respect is not something to be pondered over. I think it has to do with essence. If wages are material, prestige is mana. The dignity that is not owed to others cannot be lost. If we look at it this way, we will see that it is up to us in many ways to elevate our dignity. We see that the rights of physicians cannot be won by workers’ discourse.” His statement caused confusion. After taking a short break from the statement, Rumors that the Medipol Hospital, founded by Fahrettin Koca, are free, began to spread.

suddenly on Twitter Thousands of tweets poured into the hashtag #Medipolhalkaücretsiz. Many users wanted to confirm the accuracy of the news by calling the hospital, but they received the answer from the hospital that there was no such thing. There was no official statement on the subject from Medipol Hospital, where the phone calls were incessant. However, a large number of people still continue to call the hospital, and it looks like it will continue for a while. Some of the users who continued to share on the subject on Twitter were angry that the hospital was not free, while others continued this ‘troll’.


Statement by Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca on ‘Violence against Healthcare Professionals’: Protect Our Rights and Our Laws

Even more confusing reactions from social media:

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