‘Exorbitant Price’ Controls Started After the Fall in Currency

The Ministry of Commerce carried out its first inspection today to determine whether the markets have reduced their prices after the fall in foreign exchange. It was stated that there were ‘prices reflected in the exchange rate discount’ in the audited market.

Finally, all currencies such as dollars and euros, which broke a new record by exceeding 18 TL and 20 TL, respectively, Currency Protected TL Time Deposits They experienced a sharp decline with the announcement of the system. However, while the exchange rate was rising, the price hikes on the market shelves did not change easily after this decrease. Upon this Mehmet Mus, Minister of Trademade a statement.

Minister Mehmet Muş stated that the controls will increase against those who do not reflect the decrease in the exchange rate on the prices, and those who do not reflect the decrease. the harshest punishments had explained. Following this statement made yesterday, the team headed by Adnan Benli, Deputy General Manager of the Ministry of Commerce, started the audit.

Purchase invoices of the products were requested

The team that conducts inspections for the markets in Ankara, especially vegetables and fruits, food products and cleaning products. for basic needs Checked prices. In the inspections, it was examined whether there was an exorbitant price on the products, whether there was a difference between the label price and the box price, and the previous prices of the products were examined with the label and imprint information.

Adnan Benli, in his statement, said that they sent the producer-supplier company sales invoices of the products that they detected exorbitant price increases within the scope of the inspection to the Unfair Price Evaluation Board. As a result of the review of the board in case of detection of any exorbitant price increase He added that disciplinary action was taken.


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Benli stated that they did not detect any irregularities regarding the price tags in the audit carried out today and said,We chose it for its exorbitant price. receive invoices and information about products We will forward it to the board.” used the phrase. Benli is on the price tags of the market they inspect. prices reflecting the decrease in the exchange rate announced that it was.

Isa Baş, the Regional Manager of the inspected market, also stated that they reflected the decrease in the exchange rate on many products. Head of your fall It will be reflected on the shelves more clearly in 1 week – 10 days. expressed.

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