Examples of Deepfakes That Will Amaze You When You Watch

Although the advancement of technology is a beneficial development for humanity, the increasing power of scary and dangerous aspects makes people uneasy.

With the development and strengthening of artificial intelligence, various artificial intelligence based technological developments have been included in our lives. We see and use systems that can converse very closely with human thought, make a drawing with a single sentence that an artist would spend hours on, and transform the objects in the photograph into other objects of your choice.

Perhaps the most frightening of these, deepfake. We probably all know what a deepfake is now, but to mention it anyway; We can summarize it as turning a person’s face to another person and making them do the words they didn’t actually say or gestures they didn’t do. The results can be impressive and sometimes funny, but we also witness those who use this technology for malicious purposes, and that’s it. privacy, manipulation raises concerns.

Various examples of deepfakes that you will be amazed to watch:

This person is not Morgan Freeman.

Perhaps one of the scariest examples, Morgan FreemanThis work in. In addition to a successful deepfake, this work, which includes a voice artist imitating the voice of Morgan Freeman, reveals the power of deepfake technology.

Freddie MercuryMr. In the robot series.

Rami Malek, who played Freddie Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody, as Mr. A deepfake of Freddie Mercury was made for his character Elliot in the Robot series. The result is both impressive and terrifying.

Deepfake’s biggest revealing feature is, “eyes”. If you notice, in most deepfakes, the eyes seem to be looking into the void, not a point in front of them. This is not where deepfake has fully succeeded yet. Of course, there are studies that have prevented this problem, but an individual who understands a little bit of this technology can quickly understand whether it is a deepfake or not.

Jim Carrey as Jack Torrence.

Deepfake technology is often in player exchanges is being used. One of them is the exchange of Jack Nicholson and Jim Carrey.

Watching Jim Carrey, which we usually see in comedy and drama productions, as a psychopathic character, on the one hand, is strange on the one hand. interesting is coming. Jim Carrey’s exaggerated and successful facial expressions would fit such a character very well.

One person and 20 actors.

This work, which includes voice actor and comedian Jim Meskimen, is a stone from today’s examples, although it was made in 2019.

Imitating 20 different actors, Jim Meskimen takes the faces of the celebrities he imitates and the power of the show is increased 10 times. Do not be fooled by the low number of views of the video, top quality deepfake You watched one of his work.

Back to the Future but with Spider-Man and Iron Man.

The Back to the Future series is undoubtedly at a different point for most moviegoers. Michael J. Fox’s Marty McFly and Christopher Lloyd’s Dr. Emmett Brown, the legendary duo comes first.

Today, as an example of such a duo, perhaps Tom Holland and Robert Downey Jr. can be given. In this study, we can see how true this might actually be. Even Tom Holland, who watched the work, was able to do better in this legendary series. that it is impossible also points out:

“This is pretty surprising. I sent the video to Robert Downey Jr. and said, ‘When do we start filming? No – kidding aside – this is one of the best movies ever made and we couldn’t have done better.”

There are phenomena that regularly deepfake a player.

Pick a certain player and deepfake it. disguised as her Internet phenomena have become very common lately. Actors such as Tom Cruise, Keanu Reeves and Timothée Chalamet are among them.

Unreal newscaster.

Deepfake technology is currently mostly used for parody and entertainment purposes, although there are malicious uses.

Take it out of the fun to the mainstream media There is an institution that carries the name of the South Korean television channel MBN. The channel announced that it will use a deepfake version of its correspondent Kim Joo-Ha created with deep learning technology for emergencies. If anyone is wonderingthe reporter lady did not lose her job, she is still at work.

Our last example is master artist Kemal Sunal.

As we mentioned at the beginning of our article, one of the biggest minuses of deepfake technology is “eyes”. perspective mismatch And the feeling of staring into space If we leave it aside, I think that watching Kemal Sunal in today’s world made everyone feel very good.

It is a fact that we will see deepfake technology much more in the near future. But we also need to consider the negative side of the issue. personal privacy And manipulations Finding a way to prevent it or reduce its impact is very important. We hope deepfake technology continues to be included in my life with positive examples, not negative examples.


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