Everything we know about The Matrix Resurrections

What we know about The Matrix Resurrections until the last two months it was pretty complicated. The closure of the cinemas and the postponement of the shootings due to the pandemic made the future of the film uncertain. Finally, the knots were untied and we recently saw the first trailer from the movie.

We have compiled all the official details and other spoken details about the movie that we know so far in this content. The information in this content is about The Matrix movies. spoilers will include.

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What do we know about The Matrix Resurrections?

The new movie, also referred to as The Matrix 4 on 22 December 2021 will be screened. From the Wachowski brothers who directed the Matrix trilogy Lana Wachhowski He is among the directors of this movie. Keanu Reeves and Carie-Anne Moss, who are also in the first three movies, play the lead roles in the movie. But Young Morpheus Since it will be in The Matrix Resurrections, we see a different actor from the first three movies in the cast of the new movie.

Only one trailer has been released from the movie so far. The release date of the trailer came later than we expected, which gives us the impression that Warner Bros. will release few trailers for this movie. We expect to see a main trailer after the first trailer released.

The Matrix Resurrections

In August 2019, a new The Matrix movie was confirmed to be coming. After the third The Matrix movie, we all the end of the story We agreed on that. Moreover, it had been a long time since then. That’s why the announcement of the new movie is a can reboot brought the idea to our minds. In other words, we could watch another adventure of the characters we know independently from other movies. However, these theories are not accepted by official mouths. denied.

As such, it was started to talk about how the characters of Neo and Trinity, who died in the third movie, would be resurrected. Aforementioned The Matrix trilogy When this happened, many ways began to be discussed. Our most notable from theories some are as follows:

Is Zion a simulation?


At the end of the second movie, Neo’s use of his powers to fight a machine in what we know as the real world was the strongest proof of this theory. The theory that Zion is a simulation, that is, where we think the real world is a computer simulation The Matrix ResurrectionsIt could be the subject. We don’t know how this will be addressed in the fourth movie, but there is another view that might invalidate this theory.

Physical contacts between the Matrix and the real world are not impossible, as we’ve seen Agent Smith do this. At the end of Neo’s second movie While not in the Matrix the reason why he can defeat a machine by using his powers, with that machine via the matrix It is possible that he fought. In other words, it is possible that the code of the machine connected to the system and the software of the chosen person fought.

Neo and Trinity resurrected by machines?

Neo’s death

In the last movie, we witnessed the death of these two characters. If they were both resurrected somehow by machines must have been done. The chosen one and the one who falls in love with the Matrix universe, which repeats in cycles, are a good match. equation had happened. If machines have these two elements for the continuity of the system. If they decided it was appropriate, they could have resurrected Neo and Trinity with a special technology.

Neo versus Smith anti-virus software it was like. This too even for machines It makes Neo a savior.

The Matrix Resurrections We can say that there is little time left for the release. Despite this, we really have little official information about the film. As we mentioned, there is no limit to the theories we produce in our minds when it comes to The Matrix. Perhaps it is in our favor that little information is given about the film.

What are your expectations from the new Matrix movie? You can share your ideas in the comments.

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