Everything We Know About LoL’s Void Universe

League of Legends is a game that attaches great importance to the stories of its universe. Each new character can be a harbinger of a new event in the universe or the answer to an old mystery. Bel’Veth will appear as a new champion of the Void. That’s why we’ve listed all Void champions to know a little more about the Void before Bel’Veth arrives.

We actually have a lot of knowledge about nothingness, and we don’t have any knowledge at all. The situation is as follows; In general, we know his aims and what he wants to do, but other than that, it is not possible to say anything clear about what is going on inside. All known details about the Void are related to characters interacting with Void in some way or characters born from Void realm. But the upcoming Bel’Vethwill reveal many things about nothingness and It looks like it will bring a new danger to the Runeterra universe.

Before Bel’Veth, Viego had failed to destroy Runeterra. But Bel’Veth Queen of the Void We’re not quite sure what’s going to happen, since he’s a character known as “Bel’Veth”It will do what Viego couldn’t” There is a rumor.) That’s why in this post, we’ll be covering everything we know about Void and Void champions before Bel’Veth arrives.

Important details to know about the Void:

  • They have an insatiable and endless hunger
  • The existence of the Void is equivalent to the birth of the universe.
  • They want to destroy everything that exists
  • Interacting with the Void in any way is extremely dangerous to mortals and powerful enough to shatter even the strongest mind.
  • The greatest threat the Runeterra universe will ever face

Characters that interact with the Void in some way or are born from the Void realm

  • Cho’Gath
  • Kai’Sa
  • Kassadin
  • Kha’Zix
  • Kog’Maw
  • Malzahar
  • Rek’Sai
  • Vel’Koz

Cho’Gath emerging as the terror of the Void


A clear expression of the Void’s insatiability and endless hunger, Cho’Gath has since set foot in the Runeterra universe. trying to destroy everything and consume all life. With his complex biology and the ability to consume many material things, Cho’Gath can change his massive form, play with his muscles, and harden his outer shell like a diamond. Continuing to exist as the Voidborn, stronger and more evolved than a normal Void creature, Cho’Gath poses a great threat to Runeterra.

Kai’Sa adapted to the Void


For Kai’Sa, who is living a happy life in a small town, everything will be ruined very quickly. When her town is destroyed by the Void, Kai’Sa is a survive in the cave. But the cave is somehow connected to the Void. Under normal circumstances, interacting with the Void is both deadly and turns you into a mindless puppet. But things were different for Kai’Sa. Surviving the Void with sheer tenacity and willpower, Kai’Sa spent her time in the cave with a living creature. He bonded with the symbiote. This victory over the Void allowed Kai’Sa to gain special powers. Now, with her powers, Kai’Sa has become a messenger against the Void for the mortals who fear her.

A man who swore revenge: Kassadin


Making a living as a notorious adventurer, Kassadin decides to settle down and starts a family. But when his wife is killed and his daughter is taken from him by the Void, Kassadin vows revenge. Kassadin, who has continued his war against the Void for years and improved himself, now takes revenge as well as the Void. He also takes it upon himself to stop its spread to Runeterra. He does his best to ensure that the rift between Runeterra and the Void does not break completely. This war tires Kassadin more than necessary, and Kassadin realizes that his days are numbered. Again ready to do anything to get his revenge.

A mutating Void creature: Kha’Zix


Terms such as evolution, mutation, survival are terms that reflect Kha’Zix’s purpose for existence and survival. Kha’Zix, one of the Voidborns, spent his time in the Void. evolves and becomes stronger by killing those who are stronger than him. Kha’Zix uses different and more effective ways to attack and kill his prey in all his battles. Not much different from a normal Void at first, Kha’Zix quickly developed in both intelligence and form. He now plans his hunts, enjoying the fear he causes his victims in doing so.

Kog’Maw with an endless hunger


Appearing in the wasteland of Icathia, Kog’Maw is one of the members of the Voidborn. Kog’Maw, who has an endless hunger and the ability to eat anything he sees, is quite Although he is acting like a fool, he is smarter and more dangerous than he looks. is a creature. He is also known to be very curious. Because of the feeding frenzy Kog’Maw, who constantly evolves by eating everything, As a result of this feature, it has a very acidic secretion.

Herald of the Void: Malzahar


A fanatical cleric, Malzahar believes the Void is Runeterra’s salvation. For this reason, he opens his mind to the universe in the deserts of Shurima and goes as far as Icathia through the whispers he hears. In the wasteland of Icathia, he interacts with the Void itself. undergoes a major transformation. Malzahar now has a new purpose. This goal is to bring the Void completely to Runeterra. That’s why he tries to bring all the Voicborns together and makes these efforts his own.Prophet of the Void” or “Herald of the VoidIt causes him to get nicknames like “. At the same time, Kassadin blames Malzahar for his family’s murder and his daughter’s departure to the Void, and tries to thwart Malzahar like Kai’Sa.

Rek’Sai, one of the Void’s greatest hunters


One of the Void’s ferocious hunters, Rek’Sai is known as the queen of the Xer’Sai as well as being a Voidborn (Xer’Sai: Caninelike Void creatures that are a less evolved version of Rek’Sai). The fury of Rek’Sai, who burrowed underground and under the sands to hunt down his enemies, Played a pretty big part in the destruction of Shurima. The terror and destruction it has caused”bringer of deathIt earned him the nickname. Many merchants and humans located outside of Shurima will have to travel many miles to escape Rek’Sai and the Xer’Sai, the Void creatures below.

Eye of the Void: Vel’Koz


One of the sane creatures of the Void, Vel’Koz is uncertainly known as the Voidborn who first appeared. Unlike its counterparts, which cut through and destroy everything, Vel’Koz is a scavenger that exists in the physical realm. examining everything, looking for materials he can use for the Void. But don’t let this investigative spirit fool you, Vel’koz is quite cruel and yet cruel a character. He is far from being a mere observer and does not hesitate to punish anyone who comes between him and his research. Even if this person is someone from the Void, the situation does not change.

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