European Central Bank Warns: MiCa Holds Many Dangers

The European Central Bank does not favor MiCa, which was approved by the parliament on 30 June. The central bank is expected to send a warning letter to parliament in the coming days.

from the Financial Times by Laura Noonan The European Central Bank said this week Eurozone regulators Expected to come into full effect in 2024 MiCa about sHe plans to issue a strong warning.

According to the information given by the authorities, MiCa is planned to be enacted in 2023 and to come into full effect within 18 months. According to experts on 5th of July of the European Central Bank on the supervisory board the issue will be brought up and the parties accelerating harmonization or postponing the effective date will be called.

Managers and expert staff operating in the market It is very keen on enactment. but the European Central Bank his conservative attitude rightfully, regulators have not yet that they are not ready for the law it states.

Serving as a solution provider to cryptocurrency exchanges Richard Gardner, CEO of Modulusabout the process, “Legislation, An area of ​​operation where the European Union is inexperienced can create.” said.

MiCa in crypto markets prevent the flow of money and protect the interests of investors for the purpose of 30 June ratified by the European Parliament.

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