Ethereum Inventor Buterin is in Istanbul! What Did He Talk About?

Ethereum (ETH) co-founder Vitalik Buterin attracted attention at the ETHDay event held in Istanbul. Here are the details of Buterin’s speech…

Ethereum inventor is in Istanbul!

Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum (ETH) and a known figure in the field of cryptocurrency, attended the ETHDay event in Istanbul today. In his speech broadcast live, he shared his views on the potential applications of Blockchain technology in Turkey. The event, which is part of the larger Devconnect Istanbul week, highlighted the growing crypto community in the country. “We have known for a long time that there is a large cryptocurrency community in Turkey,” Buterin acknowledged the large community in Turkey. He stated that he observed this not only locally but also on social media platforms.

Underlining the transformative power of blockchain technology, Buterin emphasized its capacity to enable individuals to “save, transfer money, and connect with the global economy.” This points to a broader vision for the technology beyond financial applications. In his speech, Buterin also touched upon the cryptocurrency environment in Turkey and mentioned the existence of several exchanges, although he refrained from revealing specific names. As we reported as, Vitalik Buterin is a Russian-Canadian programmer and writer. Vitalik Buterin is best known for founding Ethereum in 2014. He previously co-founded Bitcoin Magazine, one of the first publications to cover cryptocurrencies.

Transaction fees are the focus of Buterin’s speech

Shifting his focus to the future of Ethereum, Buterin touched on the pressing issue of transaction fees. “We need to reduce transaction fees,” he said, underlining the importance of Layer 2 technology. Buterin emphasized that layer 2 projects should also comply with safety standards while providing economic benefits. In the ongoing efforts to scale the Ethereum network, Buterin commented on the development of methods such as Rollup and Validium. He noted that while Validium is more economical than Rollup in terms of transaction fees, it may not be as secure. He suggested that Validium is better suited for non-financial applications. Finally, excitingly, Buterin hinted that Ethereum’s current roadmap will be released soon. “Coming soon,” he promised more details.

The event, known as ETHDay and held on November 13, 2023 at the Istanbul Congress Center, serves as a platform for the Turkish Ethereum community to interact with Ethereum and web3 technologies. Part of the global Devconnect event week, the event showcased the collaborative spirit of the worldwide Ethereum community. Devconnect Istanbul, which covers the dates 13-19 November 2023, will continue to be watched. Particularly confirming the global impact of Ethereum, the week of events brings together independent events focusing on specific topics.

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