Ethereum Founder Explained His Focus for Artificial Intelligence, Pointing to That Crypto Asset!

co-founder of Ethereum Vitalik Buterinrecently shared a post on social media, emphasizing that the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the Ethereum network’s code verification and error detection methods has revolutionary potential.

Vitalik Buterin stated that the biggest technical difficulties faced by Ethereum arise from code errors and pointed out the importance of artificial intelligence-supported code verification. If the founding partner is artificial intelligenceHe believes that the inclusion of blockchain in the development process can reduce risks and make the blockchain more secure and reliable.

Buterin’s enthusiasm centers on the AI-powered official verification process. This process can greatly improve blockchain security and efficiency. Formal verification is the process of proving or refuting the correctness of the algorithms underlying systems using mathematical models, ensuring that they work as expected under all conditions. Developers can leverage AI to automatically detect and fix bugs and vulnerabilities in smart contracts and other blockchain codes. This not only increases the durability of the Ethereum blockchain, but also represents a significant step forward in addressing common problems such as bugs and security shortcomings in the broader field of software development.

As reported, Buterin took a humorous approach to the development of artificial intelligence technology, comparing the dramatic and often threatening depictions of artificial intelligence in movies with today’s dialogue-based artificial intelligence reality. He has also previously expressed concern about the existential risks that unchecked AI advancements could de-dominate humanity.

According to Buterin, the combination of AI and blockchain offers great potential, especially when AI is integrated into existing systems to improve micro-scale transactions. However, the effort to create decentralized, trustworthy artificial intelligence through blockchain and cryptography techniques poses significant challenges and risks.

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