Ethereum Developers Detected Network Problem! Will It Affect the Shanghai Upgrade?

successfully held last September. Merge after upgrade EthereumEyes on, scheduled to take place in March Shanghai converted to upgrade.

Shanghai upgrade to unlock staked Ethereums ETH It is seen as a significant increase in terms of supply.

However, the Shanghai upgrade may be delayed.

Ethereum core developer Tim Beiko In a tweet today, another ETH developer, Marius VanDerWijden, said he found a vulnerability in the public testnet Shapella.

Marius VanDerWijden said that the team found that Go Ethereum (Geth) client nodes were having difficulty synchronizing with the Zhejiang testnet.

“The last 4 and a half hours of stressful bug fixing has resulted in this awesome bug fix.

We’ve had reports that Geth nodes won’t sync Zhejiang devnet correctly.

The problem was that if a block body was empty (no tx, no withdrawal) we wouldn’t be able to initialize it properly.”

Although there is a problem ETH its developers believe that the problem can be fixed quite easily.

However, ETH core developer Tim Beiko stated that a Hive test will be added to ensure the issue is properly resolved.

Ethereum core developers also stated that they think the issue will likely not affect the Sepolia upgrade scheduled for February 28 at 04:00 UTC.

“….The teams didn’t think this should affect the Sepolia upgrade timeline, so we are still live for February 28 at 04:00 UTC.”

The Ethereum Shanghai upgrade is scheduled to take place in March. This upgrade will allow withdrawal of staked Ethereum as well as rewards on the Beacon chain.

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