Entrepreneurship and Technology Summit Applications Continue

Applications for the ‘Entrepreneurship and Technology Summit’, organized by the METU Business Community, one of Turkey’s most active student communities, continue.

In addition to all these, where you will meet with professionals from different sectors, you will have the opportunity to develop yourself and meet a new environment, you can test yourself by participating in a competition. Entrepreneurship and Technology Summit It will take place on 1-2-3 April.

At the competition leg of the summit In teams of 2-6 people The participants who will compete will compete with the business ideas they have developed. The finalists of the competition, where undergraduate and graduate students as well as newly graduated entrepreneur candidates can compete, will make their presentations to the jury in the grand final to be held on April 1st.

Application deadline is February 11

The deadline for anyone wishing to participate in the competition is February 11th. After the applications are completed Trainings to take place between 2 – 27 March Post projects will appear before the jury.

As a result of the competition, the participants from long-term mentoring support to office supportwill have the opportunity to win many awards that will enable them to advance their venture ideas. If you want to apply for the competition, you can click here.

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