Electronic Cigarette Causes Erection Problems in Men

According to a new study conducted in the United States, consuming electronic cigarettes increases the chance of erection problems in men by 2.4 times. Since the research was carried out with approximately 14 thousand male participants, we can say that the results are important.

Electronic cigarettes harm to health A lot of research has been done on this subject and it is still being done. Although it is said that such cigarettes are less harmful than normal cigarettes, experts still say that electronic cigarettes are not innocent. A comprehensive study, the result of which was published the other day, produced a striking result.

In the United States by the Grossman School of Medicine and John Hopkins University aged 20 and over on approximately 14 thousand men The research revealed that those who consume electronic cigarettes are 2.4 times more likely to experience erectile dysfunction (impotence) than those who never smoke. In other words, it has been announced that electronic cigarette users have a higher risk of not being able to get an erection.

The cause is unknown, but there is a guess.

Research cannot reveal a definitive link between e-cigarettes and impotence. But there is an opinion on this matter. Experts say it’s electronic high levels of nicotine in cigarette liquidHe believes it happens because it inhibits the dilation of blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the penis. Even nicotine-free liquids are said to contain chemicals that can reduce the amount of testosterone circulating in the body.

Until now, it has been known for a long time that the consumption of traditional cigarettes contains chemicals such as nicotine, which are found in tobacco products that damage the blood vessels of the penis, thus causing impotence. Although electronic cigarettes are considered healthier than traditional cigarette consumption, sexual health problems that have increased recently, experts to study electronic cigarettes pushed.


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The only deficit the research had that could influence the outcome was the human factor. Responses from some men, as the research was conducted through men’s direct participation in the survey wrong answers is also likely to be. The research, on the other hand, did not specify the difference in risk between electronic cigarettes and conventional cigarettes.

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