Earthquake Donation Statement from Central Bank Resources

It has been determined how the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey will make an earthquake donation of 30 billion TL. According to the information obtained, the CBRT has given up the money that will enter the treasury.

which took place in Kahramanmaraş on February 6 and more than 36 thousand A report on the double earthquakes that cost the lives of our citizens. aid campaign carried out. In this campaign, which included many television channels and radio in Turkey, last night. 115 billion TL donations were collected.

There was a remarkable detail among the donations collected. Central Bank of Turkey Republic (CBT) Chairman Şahap Kavcıoğlu participated in the live broadcast and announced that 30 billion TL would be donated as the Central Bank. This explanation they were confused. It was also stated by some that the CBRT did not have a currency of its own. That being the case The source of the money has been questioned..

Central Bank allocated 30 billion TL of 2022 profit to earthquake victims

According to the information obtained from the sources of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, a donation of 30 billion TL, It will be covered by the Central Bank’s 2022 profit.. While a certain part of the CBRT profit will be transferred to the Treasury under normal conditions, 30 billion TL of last year’s profit will go to the earthquake victims. The remainder will be transferred to the Treasury.. In this way, the treasury will have given up its own receivables.

How does the process work?

Since the CBRT and the Ministry of Treasury and Finance are partners, the Central Bank is required to submit to the Treasury every year. dividend paymenti.e. it has to distribute dividends. This is exactly where the money to be paid within the scope of the Turkey One Heart campaign will be provided. The Central Bank, which we expect to announce its balance sheet shortly, will transfer 30 billion TL of the profit to the campaign. The share falling to the Treasury from the remaining part is also will go to the state.

earthquake donation

Dividend distribution between the CBRT and the Ministry of Treasury and Finance is held annually. For example, last year, 50 billion TL dividend was paid. In the previous year, 45 billion TL was paid. If this earthquake had occurred in 2022, the dividend payment to be made by the CBRT to the Treasury would be instead of 50 billion TL. 20 billion TL would be.

The Central Bank also announced financial aid after the 1999 earthquake.

CBT explanation

Central Bank of Turkey Republic not donating after a disaster for the first time. The bank made the same move in the devastating earthquakes that occurred in 1999 and announced that it would provide 500 billion TL of aid for earthquake victims. Of course, the present value of 500 billion TL of that day is completely different.

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