Doomscrolling Is The Reason We Keep Looking At The Catastrophe News

While our thumbs are slipping up and down on social media applications -especially in a country like Turkey- we are constantly exposed to depressing news. We are almost darkened by this negative agenda, but we continue to consume these news persistently. Even if we look at all the posts, we can’t help ourselves from obsessively refreshing the main page to see if there is any new news.

This situation is called “doomscrolling” in English, and in Turkish it is called “doomscrolling”. “disaster scroll” We can translate as

In fact, when we look at the news in general, it cannot be said that it requires a special effort, anyway. We are in a real “doom”.

We experience this situation more and more especially in channels such as Twitter and Ekşi Sözlük.

Even pandemics, forest fires, femicides, injustice, earthquakes. on busy agendas This can even spread to Instagram. Before the age of social media, we used to only read newspapers in the morning and continue our daily lives. In the evenings, we were content to watch a news bulletin. Now everything “last minute” We get flooded with bad news because we want to know.

To change bad things, you don’t have to be exposed to them every minute.

social media

If this is the case, we may end up completely insensitive. If you’ve noticed, even any femicide as old times unfortunately not on the agenda. It’s about consuming too much bad news.

We wake up in the morning, when we look at social media, we see a brand new again. disaster shift starting. It lasts for hours and this causes insomnia at night.

The important point here is that the agenda itself is not the only culprit in this situation.

bad news

Harvard scientist Mesfin Bekalu negative news He says he is more inclined to read. Of course, such situations have beneficial effects such as mass solidarity, but we also need to ask ourselves:

Why do I keep scrolling until my fingers hurt? why so much to make you feel bad I keep doing this though? If I unfollow some accounts, words, or at least if i mute What effect will this have on me? Even if they don’t come across as Pat, for example, if I go and see what’s going on when I want, would it make me feel better? How long will this situation continue, for years or for a lifetime?

The “disaster slide” is known to slowly erode mental health. So what can we do to get out of this situation?

earthquake psychology

This to name it can be somewhat effective, because we can warn ourselves by saying “I’m doing disaster scrolling right now” because it will raise awareness. We may ask ourselves, “Is what I’m doing really that necessary? ice cream, Although we resort to methods such as turning off the internet connection, we know that these are short-term.

social media algorithms Because of this, similar news are constantly appearing before us and its effects are inevitable. That’s why social media platforms need to tweak these algorithms. Otherwise, in the long run mental health A whole generation will emerge that will be badly affected.


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Stop scrolling!

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