Dogs Can Shed Tears of Joy Just Like Humans

According to a study published in the journal Current Biology, Japanese scientists discovered that dogs that have been reunited with their owners after a long time can cry with joy.

A wagging tail, a loving gaze, a playful leap… From all of these, you can tell how happy your dog is to be with you. However, you may not know why your dog is crying or getting angry. Tears, according to the claim of a research team, human and bond between dogs It can help strengthen.

Crying out of joy or sadness is just human behavior was known as No creature other than man was known to shed emotional tears. A research team in Japan conducted an experiment on dogs, considered man’s best friend. According to the team’s claim dogs also emotional in the sense tears may spill.

Dogs can cry from happiness and excitement too.

Like humans, dogs are filled with tears to keep their eyes clean and healthy. tear ducts has. However, the tears of dogs do not flow from their eyes when they cry like humans do. A study published in the scientific journal Current Biology found that dogs shed tears when they are happy.

When dogs are reunited with their owners after a day-long absence, they do more than just joy. According to research, they are also they are crying with excitement. The study, which examined the behavior of 18 dogs, compared the amount of tears before and after dogs were reunited with their owners or people they were familiar with.

A piece of paper was placed under the eyes of the dogs who were away from their owners for 5 to 7 hours. As a result of the research, when dogs come together with their owners tears of the quantities increased even more determined.

Tears could be caused by a love hormone

happy dog

In the second study, in experiments with 22 dogs, the researchers looked at the dogs’ eyes to see if their tears were emotion-related. “love hormone” known as oxytocin dripped. It was observed that the tears levels of the dogs that saw their owner after a certain period of time increased even more.

While humans are the only creatures known to cry as an emotional reflex, other animals see tears in their eyes. damp dirt or their views They use it to clean. Therefore, adding oxytocin to a dog’s eyes is simply out of happiness, not happiness. due to irritation It may have produced tears. But the team that conducted the initial research don’t think this is the reason, as the oxytocin they used in their experiments did not cause more tears in dogs.


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