Does electric heating pay off as an alternative to gas?

Dusseldorf The war in Ukraine and the associated energy crisis are fueling German fears of cold apartments. It is already becoming apparent that heating in winter will be significantly more expensive than before. Basic suppliers such as Kölner Rheinenergie will increase their natural gas prices by more than 116 percent as of October 1st. Other energy suppliers have also announced price increases.

In addition, there is the gas levy decided by the federal government: 2.419 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) more will come to household customers and companies from October 1st.

With an annual consumption of 15,000 to 20,000 kWh per year, an average household pays 432 to 576 euros. For singles with a consumption of 5000 kWh per year, it is around 144 euros on top (including VAT).

In order to save gas and thus costs, more and more consumers are now considering electric heaters, as a representative survey by the comparison portal Verivox shows: eleven percent of the households surveyed are planning to buy fan heaters, radiators or radiant heaters. 19 percent think about it. People between the ages of 18 and 69 were interviewed.

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One in ten has even bought an additional electric heater. But are electric heaters really worth it? The overview.

Radiant heaters, fan heaters, radiators: How does an electric heater work?

The basic principle is the same for all electric heaters: they convert electricity into heat. This usually happens via a heating conductor, which heats up due to the current and gives off this heat. A fan heater sucks in cold air like a hair dryer, heats it up and releases it again.

Are electric heaters such as fan heaters an alternative to gas?

No, electric heaters are not an alternative. It is always cheaper to heat with oil or gas than with electricity. Because gas is a primary raw material and can be burned directly, while electricity first has to be converted into energy.

The higher effort is also reflected in the prices. In the first half of 2022, a kilowatt hour of electricity cost an average of just under 40 cents, according to data from the Federal Association of Energy and Water Industries. On the other hand, consumers only had to pay around 14 cents for one kilowatt hour of natural gas.

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An example calculation shows what this can mean in practice. If an 80 square meter three-room apartment consumes an average of 8,000 kWh of energy per year, that would cost around 700 euros last year with the gas heating system, according to Martin Brandis, an expert in energy advice from the consumer advice center. Due to the increased gas prices, the costs are expected to rise to 1400 euros.

“If you were to heat the entire apartment with electric heaters, the cost would be 2,800 euros at a price of 35 cents per kWh,” says Brandis. You don’t save money with an electric heater.

When are electric heaters worth it?

According to Brandis, electric heaters are interesting for rooms that are only to be heated occasionally. “It’s not advisable to heat the whole apartment with it.” The main reason for this is the high costs that arise as a result.

Can too many electric heaters put a strain on the power grid?

Experts fear that the power grid will be overloaded due to too many electric heaters and fan heaters. The electrical engineering association VDE and the gas industry association DVGW warn that our power supply is not designed for such a simultaneous additional load. Another problem is that network operators cannot switch off electric heaters in an emergency – in contrast to heat pumps or night storage heaters.

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The consumer center also advises against it. If you want to use less gas, it is better to have your heating optimized. “Many gas heaters work poorly,” says energy expert Brandis. By optimizing the heating, consumers could save gas, often without any loss of comfort.

Gas emergency plan: Will the heating be switched off in the event of a gas stop?

Even if Russia cuts off gas supplies completely, homes will stay warm. If the federal government announces stage three of the emergency plan, consumers will continue to get gas. Because private households are just as well protected as important infrastructure.

In addition, the German gas storage facilities are filling up. The total storage capacity in Germany is currently 75.43 percent (as of August 12, 2022), according to data from European gas storage operators. This means that the first interim goal of a new regulation has been achieved: by September 1st, the storage tanks must be at least 75 percent full, by October 1st at least 85 percent and on November 1st at least 95 percent.

More: This is what consumers need to know about the gas supply in autumn

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