Disney Plus Will Re-Broadcast Lost Series

Disney Plus has already managed to take steps to rival Netflix and other platforms. The news that the platform will re-release Lost has already made the fans of the series happy.

Disney Plus has already managed to be talked about and aroused great curiosity even before it came to our country. Disney Plus, which has not fallen off the agenda with its agreements and investments, has already It is shown as a competitor to platforms such as Netflix and BluTV.

On 14 June with a monthly membership fee of 34.99 TL Disney Plus, which will start broadcasting in Turkey, continues its preparations in our country at full speed. In the news we shared with you today, we mentioned that Disney Plus increases competition among production companies and pays large sums to actors. Disney Plus’ moves were not limited to this; which created a huge explosion effect in our country for a while and locked millions of people in front of the screen. Lost will air again on Disney Plus.

Lost will meet with fans again on Disney Plus

Since its publication, it has been widely discussed and Each episode is watched by an average of 15 million people. Lost will meet its fans once again by re-broadcasting it on Disney Plus. The series, in which the story of a group of people stranded on the island was told and we couldn’t get over it by wondering what would happen, managed to be remembered. Today, when many of us think “Shall we start over?” It may cause us to think, but we are too lazy to watch it on the internet because it is not on Netflix or a similar platform at the moment.


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By reuniting Lost with the audience on Disney Plus, it provides a good opportunity for those who have never watched it, and manages to make those who want to watch it happy again. Netflix brings popular TV series and movies such as Disney Plus to our screens frequently, and these series or movies attract great attention and are among the most watched for days. Maybe it’s following a similar path on Disney Plus. However, we have to say that Disney Plus’ bringing Lost is a much bigger step because Winner of an Emmy Award and many other awards, Lost is seen as one of the greatest productions in television history. Let’s see if Disney Plus can really overthrow Netflix with these and similar moves in the coming days.

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