Dismissed Google’s employees are starting a new venture

Many technology companies, including Google, laid off their employees en masse. This movement, which started after Elon Musk bought Twitter, has spread to almost all of them over time. A group of ex-employees fired by Google are working on a new venture, according to reports emerging today. So what did the employees fired by Google say about the issue and what will they do? Let’s take a look at the details of the news together.

Dismissed Google employees to set up a design and development studio

Like many technology companies, Google laid off many of its employees with the end of the pandemic. The mass layoffs have greatly affected people working at large tech companies. According to the news that emerged today, Henry Kirk, a former Google engineer, pursued a new venture.

Henry Kirk decided to continue with his former co-workers after being fired, in a statement to Business Insider. After receiving an e-mail that he was fired, Kirk announced that he set up a support group with people who had the same situation, and thus they made the design and development studio decision.

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The former Google engineer, who was laid off, said in a statement that he is the general manager of the venture and that his first goal is to get some projects to pay the house bills. Explaining that they want to lay the foundations of their newly established company, Kirk expressed the following words on the subject:

“Not everyone I work with has the same financial situation. Some people have a family to support, some don’t, some have a strong financial situation and have years of savings and some don’t.”

Former Google employees who were laid off include services such as supporting the growth and funding of other projects in the newly launched venture, transferring their experience for new companies, and providing design and development for websites.

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