These 7 Biotin Supplements Bet They Can Boost Your Outer Glow

If you’re feeling sluggish no matter how late you sleep in, or you feel like your hair, skin, and nails lack a little luster, could your biotin levels be the culprit?

Yep! This B vitamin goes by the name “vitamin H” in some places, with the H standing for “Haar und Haut,” German for “hair and skin.” And it does more than keep your complexion glowing and your hair glossy — your bod needs biotin to convert carbs, fats, and protein into valuable energy and to support your nervous system.

Most peeps get enough biotin from a balanced diet containing eggs, meat, fish, nuts, and veggies. But pregnancy, breastfeeding, and some medical conditions can increase your biotin needs. If your body needs a biotin boost, a supplement might help.

Here are our top picks for the best biotin supplements of 2022.

7 best biotin supplements

  1. Editor’s choice: SolaGarden Naturals Whole Food Biotin
  2. Best for hair: Olly Ultra Hair
  3. Best small capsule: Klaire Labs Biotin 5,000 mcg Capsules
  4. Best gummies: Vitafusion Extra Strength Biotin Gummies
  5. Best B complex: Garden of Life Vitamin B Complex
  6. Best on a budget: Nature’s Bounty 5,000 mcg Softgels
  7. Best low dose: Solgar Biotin 300 mcg Tablets

Read on for more details on each and some tips on selecting the right one for you.

Our criteria for choosing the best supplements

We looked at the following factors when selecting our biotin top picks:

  • Vetted products only. We put all our biotin choices through a comprehensive assessment process. We checked for unreasonable health claims, dodgy dealings, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warning letters, and lawsuits.
  • Third-party certifications. Because the FDA doesn’t regulate supplements the same way as medications, you need to check for a current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) certification, which means the manufacturing facility meets FDA requirements. Third-party testing from orgs like USP and NSF is also valuable.
  • Dosage. There is no Recommended Dietary Allowance for biotin because there isn’t enough evidence to suggest one. Instead, there’s an AI (Adequate Intake) level, which is assumed to ensure nutritional adequacy. The National Institutes of Health recommends that most adults get 30 micrograms (mcg) of biotin per day. This increases to 35 mcg for those who are lactating.
  • Price. We chose quality products to suit a range of price points.
  • Reviews. We searched through reviews to make sure people had good experiences with these supplements. We gave products the boot if they didn’t receive an overwhelming thumbs-up.

Biotin supplement roundup

The supplement market has exploded in recent years. While more choice can be a good thing, it can also feel overwhelming. We’ve done the homework on these to give you a head start on making the right pick.

Pricing guide

  • $ = under $10
  • $$ = $10–$20
  • $$$ = over $20

Side-by-side comparison

SolaGarden Naturals Whole Food Biotin Olly Ultra Hair Klaire Labs Biotin Vitafusion Extra Strength Biotin Gummies Garden of Life Vitamin B Complex Nature’s Bounty Solgar Biotin
Price $$$ $$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $ $
Number of doses 30 30 90 100 30 150 100
Format capsules softgels capsules gummies capsules softgels tablets
Non-GMO? yes yes unknown ? unknown ? unknown
Vegan? yes yes vegetarian no yes no yes

1. Editor’s pick best biotin supplement

SolaGarden Naturals Whole Food Biotin

SolaGarden Naturals Whole Food Biotin
  • Price: $$$
  • Amount: 30 doses
  • Format: vegan capsules
  • Features: non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan

SolaGarden Naturals extracts biotin from certified organic Sesbania agati trees, whose flowers and leaves are common curry ingredients throughout South and Southeast Asia. The brand claims this form of biotin is safe to take on an empty stomach.

We love the purity of this product. You’re buying biotin in a cellulose capsule, and that’s it. That means no genetically modified organisms (GMOs), no gluten, and no animal products, so it’s safe for vegetarians, vegans, and folks with celiac disease and other gluten-related disorders.

SolaGarden Naturals also offers real bang for your buck, with each 2-capsule serving providing 16,667% of your Daily Value (DV)!

SolaGarden Naturals follows cGMPs for all of its products and gets its biotin supplements third-party tested, so you can feel confident that you’re buying exactly what’s on the label.

2. Best biotin supplement for hair

Olly Ultra Hair

Olly Ultra Hair
  • Price: $$$
  • Amount: 30 doses
  • Format: softgel capsules
  • Features: non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan

The jury’s still out on whether biotin improves the health of your hair, skin, and nails, but customers swear these softgels do the trick. To be fair, they’re packed with more than just biotin — but with 10,000% of the DV, Olly doesn’t skimp on the biotin either!

Each capsule also contains keratin, which research suggests can make hair stronger, and silicon, which supports growth. Folic acid and copper, both known to support skin regeneration, round out the key active ingredients. Olly claims this formula promotes stronger and longer hair that’s less likely to break.

The soft capsule is easy to swallow, so it’s a good option if you have trouble with pills.

Olly proudly states that its capsules are free from artificial colors, flavors, and gluten. That means testing ensures there’s no detectable gluten.

However, if you have a wheat allergy or any other food allergies, take note: These capsules are processed in a facility with products that may contain wheat, soy, shellfish, fish, peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, and milk, so cross contamination is possible.

Third-party testing by NSF International helps you shop with confidence. Olly is also a certified B Corporation committed to doing good for the planet and its people.

3. Best small-capsule biotin supplement

Klaire Labs Biotin 5,000 mcg Capsules

Klaire Labs Biotin 5,000 mcg Capsules
  • Price: $$
  • Amount: 90 doses
  • Format: vegetarian capsules
  • Features: free of most allergens

If you have a tough time swallowing pills, consider trying Klaire Labs Biotin 5,000 mcg Capsules. Klaire Labs makes small capsules with a smooth coating and neutral taste, so they’re likely to be much easier to swallow than some other supplements.

But don’t let their small size fool you — they pack a real punch. One single-capsule serving contains 5,000 mcg of biotin, or 16,667% of the DV.

Klaire Labs’ biotin capsules are also a great option for folks with allergies because they’re made without gluten, wheat, milk, shellfish, eggs, peanuts, or tree nuts. They don’t contain artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, either. You know you can trust them because they’re developed by doctors and made in a cGMP facility approved by the FDA.

Satisfied customers say their nails are stronger and their hair is longer, thicker, and shinier since they’ve started taking these supplements. The affordable price also makes these a big hit among consumers.

4. Best gummy biotin supplement

Vitafusion Extra Strength Biotin Gummies

Vitafusion Extra Strength Biotin Gummies
  • Price: $$$
  • Amount: 100 doses
  • Format: gummies
  • Features: no gluten or dairy

If you have difficulty swallowing pills, you may want to try a gummy biotin supplement. We love these Vitafusion gummies for their delicious blueberry taste and powerful performance.

These are the only gummies on the market awarded a ChefsBest Excellence Award. The recommended serving of 2 gummies also contains 5,000 mcg of biotin, making this one of the most potent biotin supplements on the market.

Unlike many other gummy supplements, Vitafusion’s gummies rely on natural fruit flavors and contain no artificial sweeteners or high fructose corn syrup. They’re also free of synthetic dyes, gluten, and dairy.

But they do contain coconut and are processed in a facility that also processes eggs, fish, shellfish, soy, and other tree nuts — so take care if you have allergies.

They feel like a sweet treat, but they’re also incredibly effective. Several satisfied customers say the supplements stimulated new hair growth. However, sometimes they may work a little too well — some people claim they’ve grown extra facial hair while using the gummies.

5. Best B complex biotin supplement

Garden of Life Vitamin B Complex

Garden of Life Vitamin B Complex
  • Price: $$$
  • Amount: 30 doses
  • Format: vegan capsules
  • Features: no synthetic binders, fillers, additives, sweeteners, or artificial colors or flavors; non-GMO; gluten-free; vegan

Biotin isn’t the only B vitamin that does your body good. If you’re concerned about your overall health, Garden of Life Vitamin B Complex is a great option.

Each 2-capsule serving contains 325 mcg of biotin and a healthy dose of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, and vitamin B12, plus a blend of raw fruits, veggies, probiotics, and enzymes.

All the ingredients come from plant and mineral sources, making these supplements suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Using mostly food sources also helps your body absorb the vitamins better than synthetic options.

Garden of Life claims its vitamin B complex supplement can boost your mental and physical energy, lower your stress levels, and improve your heart and immune health.

Fans say the supplement has made them more alert, strengthened their nails, and brightened their skin. They also appreciate having the option of either swallowing the capsules or opening them up and adding the powder to a juice or smoothie.

This supplement might make your pee a neon yellow, but don’t stress — that’s a natural side effect of your body flushing out the B2 it doesn’t need.

6. Best budget biotin supplement

Nature’s Bounty 5,000 mcg Softgels

Nature's Bounty 5,000 mcg Softgels
  • Price: $
  • Amount: 150 doses
  • Format: softgel capsules
  • Features: no artificial colors or flavors; non-GMO; gluten- and sugar-free

This Nature’s Bounty biotin supplement is another 5,000-mcg option at a fraction of the cost of most competitors. The softgels protect the biotin and make it easier to digest, so your body can use what you pay for. Nature’s Bounty also keeps the costs down by delivering biotin and little else.

While these softgels are free of artificial flavors, sweeteners, and common allergens, they contain beeswax and gelatin, so vegans and vegetarians will want to look elsewhere.

Nature’s Bounty biotin softgels should be easy to swallow because they’re soft and smooth and have a neutral taste and scent.

Don’t expect overnight improvements, though — some people say it took as long as 6 to 8 months to notice healthier hair and nails, but their patience was eventually rewarded.

7. Best low dose biotin supplement

Solgar Biotin 300 mcg Tablets

Solgar Biotin 300 mcg Tablets
  • Price: $
  • Amount: 100 doses
  • Format: vegan tablets
  • Features: no synthetic binders, fillers, additives, sweeteners, or artificial colors or flavors; non-GMO; gluten-free; vegan

Some people look for maximum dosage in supplements, but that’s not always the best option with biotin. These Solgar tablets have 300 mcg of biotin each, so they’re strong enough to make a positive difference.

Unlike many other biotin supplements, these don’t contain gelatin, so they’re suitable for vegans and vegetarians. In addition, the brand’s commitment to allergen-free, sugar-free, and sodium-free supplements made without artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives means these work with any dietary restrictions.

Clear skin isn’t the only perk of taking this Solgar supp. Many satisfied customers report that their hair is longer and healthier, their nails are stronger, and they can ditch the lash extensions after taking these.

Tips for choosing a biotin supplement

The formulations and ingredients of biotin supplements vary, so it’s important to consider all your options carefully to choose the right one for you:

Consult a health professional

Speaking with a health pro is the best first step for starting any supplement. Discuss your medical history and what you should look for in a supplement. An open discussion can help you learn exactly what you need and which supplement would fit you best.

Look for credible companies

Research the options in your price range, looking for companies that do third-party testing or follow cGMPs. You can usually trust businesses that are committed to high level processes. You can also feel more confident going with well-known brands with a history of excellence.

Consider the level of biotin

Biotin supplements may contain a very concentrated amount of the vitamin or a relatively small dose, especially if they have other active ingredients. Very potent biotin supplements may give you the greatest results in the shortest time, but they can also cause breakouts and excess hair growth.

If you experience these side effects, you might want to switch to a lower dose option. You may also consider a lower dose if you routinely need blood tests, because too much biotin can interfere with your results.

Match your dietary requirements

If you have allergies or dietary preferences, make sure you choose a supplement that suits your needs.

Many biotin supplements clearly state whether they’re suitable for vegetarians, vegans, and people with allergies. You can also look at the list of ingredients. For example, if you avoid animal products, make sure you choose a supplement made without gelatin.

If you have allergies or intolerances, look beyond the ingredient list. It’s best to avoid any supplements made in facilities that process items containing your allergens.

Think about the vitamins you need

Biotin is often bundled with other vitamins and minerals. So, while some people benefit from a bare-bones biotin supplement, others are better off choosing a combo supplement.

For example, people who eat a lot of processed foods may benefit from a biotin supplement with pantothenic acid because this vitamin gets destroyed during thawing and canning.

Consider your preferred format

Biotin supplements are available in various formats, including tablets, capsules, gummies, powders, and liquids.

Think about how you like to take supplements and choose a product in your preferred format. This can help you stick to your supplement routine, which will make it more effective.

Read customer reviews

Many online retailers post reviews from ordinary customers. Reading their experiences using various supplements can help you assess whether those products are likely to work for you.

Every person processes supplements differently, but it can be helpful to pay attention to the themes, whether positive or negative, in reviews.

Frequently asked questions about biotin supplements

Wonder no more about the answers to some of the most common questions about biotin supplements.

“@context”: “”,
“@type”: “FAQPage”,
“mainEntity”: [
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Do biotin supplements actually work?”,
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “There aren’t too many scientific studies on the effects of biotin. Some studies have shown benefits for hair, skin, and nails, but these studies had some flaws in their methodologies.
Until there’s further research, the jury is out. However, you can take comfort in the many anecdotes of satisfied supplement users who swear taking biotin has satisfied them.”

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How long do I have to take biotin to start seeing results?”,
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “People have unique reactions to supplements, including biotin, so there’s no hard and fast rule. It also depends on how potent the supplement is and the results you’re seeking.
Some people may notice results from their supplements in as little as 90 days. Others may wait six to eight months or even longer before seeing the desired impact. Basically, consistency is going to be key.”

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How much biotin should I take per day?”,
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Most adults only need 30 mcg of biotin a day. However, breastfeeding depletes biotin levels, so if you fall into this category, it’s a good idea to speak with your health professional about upping your biotin intake to 35 mcg a day while you’re nursing.”

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “When is the best time to take biotin supplements?”,
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “It doesn’t matter what time of day you take your biotin supplements. Some people find taking their supplements first thing in the morning or the last thing at night helps them remember. If your supplement states it’s best taken with food, take your dose with a regular meal.”

“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Should I stop taking biotin before blood tests?”,
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “As biotin supplements can interfere with blood test results, it’s a good idea to stop taking them three days before you get blood drawn.
As some biotin can linger in the blood, let the person conducting the test know that you take these supplements before your tests. They can then account for any abnormalities in your results.”


Do biotin supplements actually work?

There aren’t many scientific studies on the effects of biotin. Some studies have shown benefits for hair, skin, and nails, but these studies had some flaws in their methodologies.

Until there’s more research, the jury is out. But you can take comfort in the many anecdotes from satisfied supplement users who say they’ve benefited from taking biotin.

How long do I have to take biotin to start seeing results?

Everyone reacts differently to supplements, including biotin, so there’s no hard-and-fast rule. How long you’ll wait to see results also depends on how potent the supplement is and what results you’re looking for.

Some people may notice results from their supplement in as little as 90 days. Others may not see their desired impact until they’ve been taking the supplement for 8 months or more.

But consistency is key — taking the supplement regularly will give you the best chance of results.

How much biotin should I take per day?

Most adults need only 30 mcg of biotin per day. However, breastfeeding depletes biotin levels, so if you’re currently breastfeeding, it’s a good idea to speak with a healthcare pro about upping your biotin intake to 35 mcg a day.

When is the best time to take biotin supplements?

It doesn’t matter what time of day you take your biotin supplements. Some people find that taking their supplements first thing in the morning or the last thing at night helps them remember. If your supplement’s label says it’s best taken with food, take your dose with a regular meal.

Should I stop taking biotin before blood tests?

Biotin supplements can interfere with blood test results, so it’s a good idea to stop taking them 3 days before you get blood drawn.

Because some biotin may linger in your blood, let the person conducting the test know beforehand that you take these supplements. That way, they’ll be able to account for any abnormalities in your results.

The bottom line

While only a small number of scientific studies have addressed the effectiveness of biotin supplements, many people swear these vitamins give them healthier hair, skin, and nails.

If a healthcare professional has given you the OK to use a biotin supplement, you may want to try one of the recs listed above to see how they work for you. Just don’t expect miracle results overnight — it may take months of consistent use to see the benefits.

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