Star Wars Outlaws Won’t Be “a 200 or 300 Hour Epic Unfinishable RPG,” According to Devs

With decades of open-world RPG experience garnered from series such as Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry, Ubisoft is working in one of the most anticipated games of 2024, Star Wars Outlaws. This is going to be a huge game with many planets to explore, but unlike Bethesda’s Starfield, it won’t feature procedurally generated terrains; instead, it’s going to take on a more handcrafted approach. The size of each planet, however, is raising some concerns among fans, who are fearing that the locations may end up feeling bloated and empty.

The idea of each planet being roughly two to three times the size of a zone in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey is putting doubts in the head of gamers, who are worried about the quality of the actual content. Speaking with IGN during the San Diego Comic-Con, creative director Julian Gerighty and narrative director Navid Khavari addressed this issue.

“[Star Wars Outlaws] is absolutely not a 200 or 300 hour epic unfinishable RPG. This is a very focused action-adventure RPG that will take people on a ride and is very manageable.” The developers added that they plan on making this adventure very rich and dense, and one that the players can explore at their leisure. The mindset behind the locations is that each bustling city, each wide plain has some character to it, something to add in terms of narrative to Kay Vess’ epic journey.

While not naming any specific games, it seems the developers have learned from one of Ubisoft’s own games — Assassin’s Creed Valhalla — in the sense that being bigger doesn’t necessarily always mean better.

Star Wars Outlaws is slated for release in 2024, and Kay Vess’ cute companion Nix is already doing the rounds as the potential next big thing in the gaming world.

Source: IGN

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