Dating Suddenly Disappears One Morning: Ghosting

If your partner disappears suddenly and for no reason in your relationship where everything is going well, maybe you have had Ghosting experience too!

on social media Or you met an individual in real life by chance, you liked each other and soon found yourself in a relationship. In this relationship where everything develops rapidly; When you wake up one morning, you can never reach your date again…

Although it may sound too dramatic or exaggerated; Ghosting RelationshipThe story that went through many individuals who were exposed to is not that different from the above story. Today, we will examine the Ghosting Relationship in its entirety with you.

Origin and meaning of the term Ghosting

ghostingderived from the word “ghost”, which means ghost in English, and directly into our language as in English. ghosting as a past term. Translate Ghosting into Turkish to be ghosted We can translate as

The concept of Ghosting Relationship is defined in one sentence as “without any reason; who leaves their partner in an instant, never allows their partner to reach him, and sever ties foreverWe can describe it as ”.

The origin story of Ghosting

Ghosting, naturally With the spread of the internet in our lives In other words, it is a concept that emerged at the beginning of the 2000s. Relationships that start with the step of meeting, especially on social media, are the relationships where Ghosting is experienced most frequently. It must be admitted that it is never easy for a person who has been in our close circle for years and with whom we have mutual friends to suddenly disappear, but this is quite simple in relationships that start on social media.

Causes of Ghosting


If we divide Ghosting into two as exposed (passive) and exposing (active) parties; The exposed person has no characteristics. in Ghosting all the key roles are on the side of what we might call the exposing, that is,

Individuals who prefer the Ghosting Relationship generally arrogant and abnormally self-admiringbriefly narcissistic are described as. The aim is simply to admire oneself, to be fed by this admiration and to reach the saturation point.

Ghosting’s introduction, development and conclusion phase


Individual; first of all, he chooses an individual who is not in his close circle, even through social media. This individual is heavily showing interest, expressing oneself, proving experience the process. If the other person shows a positive response to this interest, he continues and wants to make sure that he is understood.

After the process of being sure, it gradually enters the expectation process and begins to feed off of his partner’s admiration for him. When this admiration becomes commonplace; then he decides to become a ghost and disappears forever without any explanation.

Developments immediately after Ghosting


With the disappearance of the active individual, a bewilderment and trying to comprehend what happened process begins. By the active individual; phones are never answered, even the number is now out of service. Social media accounts are completely closed. If there was a real Ghosting; couples never see each other againthey do not communicate.

The life of the passive individual after Ghosting


The individual questions himself in general at first. He tries to understand if he has made an irreversible mistake. If he understands that the process is not related to him, but because of the problems of the other party; The individual continues his life as usual. If he thinks that the process ends like this because of his own responsibilities, the individual blames himself, lacks self-confidence in a new relationship and may have to struggle with some psychological problems.

Life of the active individual after ghosting


For the individual, this is neither the first nor the last goodbye. The first thing he will do now is to meet someone from scratch, to prove himself to him and to be fed with a sense of admiration for him. When it reaches the saturation point again will sail to new horizonsTruck.

Golden advice to avoid Ghosting


In order to protect ourselves from Ghosting, first of all, we make our choices not on social media as much as possible; from our social circle We have to do. In the friendships we have made on social media people with whom we have mutual friends We must be careful to choose. Even if we cannot follow the first two recommendations; never blame ourselves in case of a possible Ghosting, continue our normal life we should.

Some data and scientific implications about ghosting


  • Ghosting most often Individuals aged 18-29 years is found. As you can imagine, almost all Ghosting relationships consist of relationships that start over the internet.
  • Experts, Ghosting; psychological violence, emotional abuse and emotional cruelty.
  • Applications where Ghosting is experienced most frequently; It is listed as Instagram, Facebook and Tinder.
  • According to the report published by the UK-based YouGov research company; 10 out of 1,000 Americans end their relationship with Ghosting.
  • Due to its prevalence in our age, the word was included in the Collins English Dictionary, the world-renowned dictionary of HarperCollins Publishing, owned by News Corporation, in 2015.

What about you before Have you been ghosted? If you have been exposed; How did you or did you get through this process? Have a friend been exposed to Ghosting? You can express your ideas and thoughts in the comments.

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