Dark Claims About Talking Cat Games

As one of the benefits of technology, children have started to play with phones and tablets instead of playing on the street. For a while, almost every child was playing the games that you will remember as the ‘talking cat’ game with a tablet in hand. However, over time, quite interesting claims have been made about these seemingly innocent games.

The first of these games, originally called My Talking Tom; so it was My Talking Tom as we know it. The children did not stay out of this game for hours, they took Tom with them wherever they went. It had a simple gameplay and did not play any part of the game. there was no age limit. For this reason, parents believed their children were playing a ‘harmless’ game. Then one day, everything about this seemingly innocent game turned upside down.

One year after Tom’s game released in 2013, a new game called Talking Angela was released. This game, which has almost the same gameplay logic as the previous game, took its place on all children’s tablets and phones. Tom and Angela didn’t look dangerous, but did they really?

Let’s start at the very beginning: How did Tom and Angela come about?

Angela was developed by a company called Outfit7 Limited, first as Tom and then as his girlfriend. The My Talking Angela app was part of the Talking Tom and Friends series. just like Tom it was a conversation bot app and it was only copying the players’ speech.

When you spoke to Angela aloud, she only repeated what you said, and when you spoke in writing, she was asking you questions and chatting. “What would a cat in an app ask me for?” You might think, but let’s explain with an example. For example, Angela might ask you your name and then He could call you by your name. This is really for the players. feeling of talking to someone was giving. However, allegedly even child mode doesn’t work properly and Angela could go astray, so to speak.

The questions Angela asked got interesting from time to time.

talking angela

– Nice to meet you, Stuart.

-I am 18 years old. How old are you?

-Forget why. You know what fun that would be? Dress up party! Have you ever been to a party like this?

Angela’s questions weren’t the only problem, but her gaze also began to bother people.


According to the players, Angela was watching them with her ‘eyes’. Angela’s, watching users Rumors soon spread. Some were quite sure that their thoughts were true.

The reason why users were saying this soon became clear: They really saw other people in Angela’s eyes. If you look carefully at the picture above, you can see the reflection of a room. In fact, some of the screenshots of users were as follows:

talking cat angela

The actors are a young boy, sometimes blond, in Angela’s eyes; sometimes they saw an empty room or a man wearing a ski mask. These screenshots, allegedly taken from within the game, looked pretty scary. These people, some seen in Angela’s eyes, are watching the actors. pedophilia suspects even thought it was.

Of course, these allegations were also featured in national and local news channels. Parents have been warned about this game.

While all this was going on, the disappearance of a child left question marks in mind.

talking cat game

The 7-year-old boy named Eli Moreno started getting ready with his father to go to school in the morning. Eli picked up his mother’s phone while he was getting ready. previously downloaded Entered the Talking Angela app. When Mom got out of the shower, Eli was no longer home. The family immediately contacted the police. However, according to the allegations, Eli’s The last thing was to download the Angela app and talk to Angela.

Allegedly, Eli’s last speeches in practice were quite striking. Angela to Eli if their parents are at home and what they are wearing He asked such questions. after this event Eli was never heard from again. In fact, according to the news of that period, he was from the same neighborhood. other kids playing this game was also lost.

talking angela

The number of missing children is increasing day by day. people were blaming Angela. Of course, this had a huge national repercussion; Images of missing children and Angela were given in the news, parents were warned.

Talking Angela was also the subject of the news in our country:

talking angela

Developer firm Outfit7 has finally responded to the allegations.

talking angela

To summarize briefly what David Mikkelson from Outift7 Limited said; Angela’s users such as name, surname, age confirmed that he wanted his personal information but he explained that this information is completely anonymized. With this Individuals under the age of 13 Personal information was never kept and deleted.

Angela’s ‘watching people’ through his eyes only to the claims “Funny!” he replied. Bruce Wilcox, also one of the game’s programmers, attributed Angela’s scary question-answers to being an overly realistic chatbot.

Graham Cluley, one of the app’s creative team, said in a statement that the news about Eli’s disappearance were completely fabricated. As you said There was no connection between Eli’s disappearance and the app.

After these statements of the developer, a series of updates were brought to the game, which scared the whole world.


Angela’s chat feature has been removed and to the reflections in your eyes Bugs allegedly caused have been fixed. However, the reason for the reflection in Angela’s eyes was never clearly explained.

Even today, rumors about people in these reflections continue to circulate. Some of the people seen in these reflections people watching the player at that moment that some are other people playing the game at the same time He claims to have seen it.

These games can still be played today.

talking tom

You can easily access these applications from your phone’s application store. Because in the game there is no age limit either. Although the chat feature has been completely removed from the game, many parents still find Angela and Tom intimidating. For this reason too one of the most downloaded games of app stores for a while though there is no trace of its old glorious days.

There are many dangers in today’s world for children who are still in development and cannot filter what they see. Of course, when it comes to children, we want to protect their innocent hearts from all evil, but we have to be very careful while doing this. Appears in almost every application on the Internet using ‘child mode’ can also help with this.

You can also check out our content about the effects of violent games on children:


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