Cryptocurrency Tax in Korea May Be Shelved Before It Is Implemented

The South Korean government is considering removing income tax on cryptocurrencies, as it does on other financial instruments.

The administration, led by President Yook Suk-yeol, accumulate wealth to facilitate shares and funds It is considering removing the tax on financial instruments such as:

According to the statement made by Jeong Jung-hoon, one of the officials of the South Korean Ministry of Economy and Finance, the parliament included add cryptocurrencies is considering his opinion.

Tax regime prepared for cryptocurrencies in the country It will come into effect on January 1, 2025. is expected to enter. According to this at least 2.5 million won From citizens who have crypto money worth (56 thousand 318 liras) 22% tax deduction will be.

According to Jeong’s statements, the government is preparing for the law on taxation of financial investments. late January or early February will suggest changes.

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